Sunday, September 29, 2013

How November Special is Coming

Hello. my lovely, wonderful readers,

I'm maybe half way with the rough draft of the special for November. I'll still have to type it up, but it's coming along now.

For those of you who read my blog, I have a surprise for you.  I'm about to reveal when the first chapter of All Hallows Evening will be posted.  Only those of you will know ahead of time.  The first chapter will be posted on October 3, 2013.  So mark your calenders.


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

2013 Halloween is Complete

Hello, my lovely readers,

Finally, it's finished.  I can now begin work on my special for November.  It's only a one shot.  I'll try to work on Chapter 27 as well.  I begin updating the Halloween next week.

So you can all see what I've been doing instead of working on Unknowing Queen. I won't reveal the other specials for the next few months yet.  Those will remain secert for now.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Some Good News

Hello, my lovely readers,

I'm in the process of typing up Chapter 4 of the Halloween story. I've already begun working on Chapter 5, too.  I'm not giving you all any more than that.  I have yet to work on the special for November, but it's  going to be a one shot.  I'll work on it in October if I have to.

Now for some news.  There will be no Labyrinth Christmas story this year.  I've decided to do a different fandom.  More info on that later.

Unknowing Queen update.  There are still some fillers to come, but I promise they are slowly steering us towards more, well the lemon.  So please be patient.  Most things going on in these chapters have a reason for being there.  I'm trying to set somethings up for future chapters as well.

Also, about my dog.  He seems okay, but we are watching over him.  Thanks for the prays.


P.S.  I almost forgot.  I'll repeat this when I upload Chapter 26.  Thanks for the new follows and favorites.  You guys are awesome!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Please Pray

My lovely readers,

Today my dog somehow fell down the air return for our heating and cooling system.  He seems fine, although in pain, but who wouldn't.  We're watching him.  So please pray.

Chapter 25 will be updated sometime next week.  I'm now working on Chapter 3 of the Halloween story.  Not much else.

Love and Thank you all,

Friday, September 13, 2013

Update on How Things are Going

Hello, my lovely readers,

How do I put this?  I haven't been a good writer.  I'm still working on Chapter 2.  The handwritten draft is almost finished.  The blame can be put on one game Jade Empire.  It's not super long, but it's one of my favorites.  I need to get Chapter 2 finished and begin work on Chapter 3.

No word from betas.  So I'll look over Chapter 25 of Unknowing Queen and post it soon.

I hope to have better news next week.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How The 2013 Labyrinth Halloween Story Is Going

Hello, my lovely readers,

Not much to update you all on for this post.  I've finished Chapter 26. So that's done.  I've also gotten the handwritten draft of Chapter 1 of 2013 Halloween story done.  I still need to type and make it longer.  I'm not revealing anything about it yet.  I may give a sneak peek just before October gets here.  I have yet to begin Chapter 2.  I'm planning for four chapters, but as always it's up to the characters how long a story is.

I hope to upload Chapter 25 fairly soon.  I plan to try and spread out Chapters 25 and 26.  Work on Chapter 27 will hopefully begin soon.  I may work on it, while writing the other special for November, which means more to me.  I'll post a blog entry more about that later.

Hope everyone in the States, had a great Labor Day.  I spent it laboring, but I've now got a few days off.  I'll spend it doing laundry and writing no doubt.

Thanks for the love and support ya'll give me.  Please subscribe here so that you can see what's going on, and please leave a comment.  Treat them like reviews. 


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Plan for September 2013

Hello, my lovely readers,

As I said in the last blog post, I am going to be working on some specials starting this month because of that I have some news.  I will not be writing anything new for Unknowing Queen for at least this month.  I'm going to focus on the specials and have them finished and ready.  Now I will update to Chapter 26, but that's all I have at the moment.  Once the specials are ready, or I feel like working on something, I'll work on Chapter 27.

I'm planning for the Halloween story to be a few chapters instead of a one shot.  I'll make posts as I'm working to let you all know what's going on.  I won't be sending these off to my betas.  The hope is that on the first of October I will post the first chapter.
