Friday, June 28, 2013


Hello, my lovely readers,

I know I updated earlier today, but I thought I would let you all know.  I've finished typing Chapter 21, and it's off to my beta.  So hopefully, it'll be up next week.

Now I'm off to work on Chapter 22.  I can't say when it will be finished.  I have a busy week next week.  So yeah.  I'll try to do a little something on either story every day.  Be it planning or actually writing of the chapter.


Some BIG News

Hello, my lovely readers,

I've begun to write Chapter 22.  It's not much at the moment.  Also, I've decided to rework Reuniting, instead of deleting it.  I'll write the other idea for a Power Ranger story at some point.

Now for the BIG news I promised in the title.  I've stared typing Chapter 21.  I'm about half way through it.  I'm not typing it all at once.  I'm typing a few pages at a time.  My elbow is still acting up from time to time, but I can still type, it seems.

Chapter 21 may be off to my beta tonight or tomorrow.  I'll finish handwriting Chapter 22 before I begin reworking Reuniting and begin work on Chapter 5.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Writing Update

Hello, my lovely readers,

I have some wonderful news.  I have just hand-writing Chapter 21.  I'm now going to leave it alone for a bit, while I write a chapter for Aftermath.  Once the chapter is finished, I'll come back to Chapter 21 and hand edit it before typing it.  So it's going to take awhile to get it done.  Also, I'm working at least five days next week, maybe more if I have to cover for someone, but I'll try to do a little something on my works each day.

I may do a sneak peak of the reworked Power Ranger story once I figure out exactly how it's going to go.  Of course, it won't be up for long.


P.S.  I feel like an idiot.  Aftermath is finished.  So I don't need to go back and finish it. I guess I'll begin planning the new Power Ranger story.  Oh, well.  This might now mean that I'll begin editing Chapter 21 later today or well the early morning hours of tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Chapter 21 Update

Hello, my lovely readers,

I've been hand writing Chapter 21.  It's just now barely on the sixth page, but it's coming along.  This one might take awhile to finish, not just cause of the hand writing first.  i'm introducing new character, and well it's Jareth's chapter.  I have been working a bit everyday, just as I promised.

So I'll keep you all posted as always.


P.S.  With Aftermath, I need to find my old notebook with my notes.  Then I can come up with a plan.  I'm thinking of changing my Power Rangers story completely, but you'll have to wait and see.  :)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Just A Tiny Update

Hello, my lovely readers

I hope you all are enjoying your weekend.  I am, as I mostly do, working.  As I type this, I should really be asleep, but I thought I would update you all a bit on what's going on.

First, I haven't really worked Chapter 21 since I updated on it a few days ago.  I did get a good bit down.  I'm debating going back to writing it on paper and then typing, instead of just typing as I do now.

Second, I haven't gone back yet and read any of Aftermath or my Power Ranger story.  I'll at least get Chapter 21 finished, but maybe not yet sent off to my beta when I at least start work on Aftermath again.

Third, this week I'll do my best to write a little everyday, but next week, I can't promise that.  As you know, that's the first week of July, and because of that I will be working five days.  I'll try to get something down, if Chapter 21 is not yet finished.  I do still have some plans for Aftermath.

So there is just something along the lines of what I have planned.  I don't really want to cancel my Rangers story, but it might happen.  Until next time.


Friday, June 21, 2013

Welcome Summer! Part 2

Hello, my lovely readers,

Yes, two updates in one day.  This is just to let you all know that I've started on Chapter 21.  It's barely begun.  I just wanted to also let you all know that I hurt my right arm a few days ago.  I really only had pain the day I did it.  I was able to work fine.  It didn't even hurt last night, but my elbow is hurting at the moment.  I have had pain in my knees before and that's what is what it feels like.  So of course I'll let you all know what's going on.


Welcome Summer!!!

Hello, my lovely readers,

Well, it's the first day of summer, and so I've decided to give you all Chapter 20.  It's up for you all to read.  I haven't started on Chapter 21, yet.

I'll try to get to it this coming week.


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Some Horrible News

Hello, my lovely readers,

The computer I do my editing on has blown.  Don't worry; I emailed a copy to my beta and to myself so it is not lost.  What this means is that I won't have that computer to edit on so it may take awhile to edit from now on.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Chapter 20 is OFF

Hello, my lovely readers,

Chapter 20 has been sent off to my beta.  I haven't started on Chapter 21 just yet.  I need to think about it for a bit.  I'll try to start work on it soon.  I now plan to go work on my Dragon Age story.  It only has a few chapters left.  I'll reread what's up and then finish it out.  I won't be sending it off to my beta.  I may take down my Power Ranger story.  I need to think more about it.  Those are the only ones I'm worried about finishing at the moment, besides Unknowing Queen

I might also begin work on something new, but I don't know for sure yet.  More than likely it will be a new Laby fanfic, but I think I may need a break from that fandom after this.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

An Update

Hello, my lovely readers,

Well, the computer I use to edit my chapters is working again.  Seems it was only a power connection that wasn't tight enough.  So I shouldn't have any problems updating cause of that.  Also, just to let you all know, Chapter 20 has now reached the fourth page, and it's still not finished.  I'll try to get it finished and off to my beta this week.


Friday, June 14, 2013

Some News

Hello, my lovely readers,

You all know I'm typing on my tablet, but I email it to myself so I can look at it on a computer.  Well, the computer I use has died.  It won't start up.  So I have to use another one.  Updates may take a bit longer now since I have to edit on the laptop and only when my Dad's not home.

I haven't worked much on Chapter 20 that much lately.  Blame Skyrim.


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Chapter 20 Update

Hello, my lovely readers,

Well, Chapter 20 is a little over two pages now.  I can't say how long it will end up being.  Jareth and Sarah haven't given me a clue yet.

Well, I'll let you all know when it's up for you to read.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Chapter 19 is UP!

Hello, my lovely readers,

Chapter 19 is now up.  So go view it and please review.



Chapter 19 is OFF!

Hello, my lovely readers,

As you can guess, Chapter 19 has been sent off to my beta.  So now comes the wait.  I haven't started on Chapter 20 yet, but I will soon.  So hopefully the wait for the next update isn't too long away.



Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Some News

Hello, my lovely readers,

Chapter 19 is now two pages, and I'm now working on page three.  But the bigger news is I finally have my mirco usb adapter for my tablet.  So I can finally use my keyboard case.  So typing will be easier, but I have to get used to this tiny keyboard.  So that means chapters might come out faster now.


Monday, June 3, 2013

Just A Little Update On Chapter 19

Hello, my lovely readers,

I'm working on Chapter 19 at the moment, well, of course I am.  Well it feels almost finished.  I may finish it tonight or tomorrow.  So the end is getting nearer and nearer.

I did a review for Chapter 18 that I will address in the An at the end of Chapter 19.  It is an anonymous one, but I will talk about it a bit here.

The review talks about Sarah not having warm feelings for Jareth.  This is really not a wedding Sarah wanted.  This is bring forced on her.  She has no real say, if any at all.

Well, I hope that helps.  I know I'm not the best, but I try to do m best.


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Chapter 18 of Unknowing Queen

Hello, my lovely readers,

I have some wonderful news that you should also know from your little inbox.  Chapter 18 is up for your viewing pleasure.  I am working on Chapter 19.  I feel it is close to being finished so it maybe soon off to my beta.  Then I'll begin work on Chapter 20 as soon as I finish Chapter 19.  I think I might have an idea for my next Labyrinth story or I may find another fandom to do it in.  It may be too much like another story I've done though.
