Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Recount of April 2014

Hi, my wonderful readers,

So I was able to do as I had hoped for the most part.  I gave you all new chapters in Unknowing Queen and The Goblin Princess.  I also finished Chapter 37 as well.

I also uploaded a few things on Wattpad.

So for the most part I see it as a success this month.

Be sure to visit again tomorrow for the plans for May.

Thanks for everything, guys.


P.S.  Please keep Alabama in your prayers.  We've survived another bad day when it comes to weather.
P.S.S.  I've begun planning/working on Chapter 38 of Unknowing Queen.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Almost End of April 2014 Update

My amazing readers,

I have yet to upload Chapter 37 of Unknowing Queen to the site.  I will do it early next month.

I am still having problems with Chapter 2 of TGP.  I'm struggling, but I'm fighting.  As I update this I am about to begin working on it again.

Nothing new with my one shot series.  I haven't worked on it.  If I can't get any more of Chapter 2 of TGP, I will begin a new one to make myself write something.

Thanks for all of the faces, follows, and support you guys have given me.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Chapter 37 Has Been Sent Off

My wonderful readers,

Chapter 37 has been sent to my other email to be uploaded, but it won't until next month.

Still having some trouble with TGP, but I'm working on it.


Friday, April 18, 2014

Typing Has Begun

I have begun typing up Chapter 37 of Unknowing Queen.  

Chapter 2 of TGP is being hard.  I know what I want to happen, but it just isn't coming.  Also, I've decided to return to my original idea of breaking it up into seperate books.  I can't say how long each book will be.


P.S.  Updated at 8:02 pm CST  Chapter 2 is coming along a bit now, but it's still givng me a few problems.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Unknowing Queen Update

Well, you guys can guess what this is about.  Chapter 37's rough draft is finished.  So now I just need to begin typing, but I want to focus on TGP first.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Mid-April 2014 Update

Time for the official mid month update, my wonderful readers.

First,  Chapter 37 of Unknowing Queen is now on the third page.  At the moment, I'm thinking an early May release may be possible.

Second, well, er, there is no real news about Chapter 2 of TGP.  I am thinking I might go back to my original idea of breaking it up, but I'll wait until I actually get to what would be Book 2.

Third, I haven't worked on a new one-shot.  Mostly they are for when I need a break, but at the moment, I'm working on main story.

Fourth, my wattpad readers,  I will try to add something new for you guys before the end of the month.


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Just A Little Update

I'm still working on Chapter 37 of Unknowing Queen.  I will warn you it's not really action packed.

I haven't worked any on Chapter 2 of TGP.

Also, no new one shot at the moment.


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Almost Mid-April 2014 Update

My wonderful readers,

So I've posted Chapter 36 up.  I'm still barely into Chapter 37, but I'll work on it.  I won't work on TGP until I have more done.  More than likely I will start a new one shot, but sometimes those are to help me relax.

So enjoy the updates so far for this month.

Thanks for all the lovely gifts you guys have left for me.


Friday, April 11, 2014

Wattpad Readers

I know I haven't moved anything new over in a while.  But I do have some news.  I hope to begin moving over some stories this month.

So be on the look out.


Thursday, April 10, 2014

I've Made My Decision

My decision is that I will begin to write Chapter 37 of UQ.  I've already for a bit written.  Of course, I'm planning for a release next month.

Also, I have the next idea for my one shot series, but I can't work on it till I have more of Chapter 37 written.



Good Update

My wonderful readers,

So I've sent off Chapter 36 of Unknowing Queen to a computer.  So next week is looking good.  I may even print it out and do some editing that way.

I haven't decided on what to work on next.  I have a bit down for the next chapters of my two current stories.  I haven't chosen what the next one shot of the DA series will be.

So be on the look out guys.

I will of course let you guys know what I decide to do.

Thanks for all the lovely gifts.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Another Unknowing Queen Update

So I'm still working on Chapter 36.  It feels close to being finished.  So hopeful my plan for an upload next week will happen.

Hopefully, I will have some good news soon.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Unknowing Queen Update

Okay, so I have most of Chapter 36 typed up.  I'm just stuck on the ending.  I changed it from the rough draft a bit.  I think I may use some of it in the next chapter.

I'm planning for an upload next week.  Then I will begin to truly work on Chapter 37.


All is Well Now

All right, my lovely readers,

I know that I can edit my last post, but I want to cover some other things.  First, I have retyped all that I lost that I needed.  The old chapters I don't really need anymore, I'm not worried about.

For me, it's almost 3 am, but I will have half of Chapter 36 typed up.  I'll try to type up the other half later today.

I may also upload the new one shot for the DA series.

The panic attack is over.

Thanks for all the lovely gifts as always.


I'm so angry at myself

So let me explain.  I was trying to make room on my tablet so I was deleting old chapters and stories.  By accident I ah err deleted all my documents.  I've recreated the folder.

Now relax.  I haven't lost anything that will delay anything.  I do have to retype what I had of Chapter 36 and Chapter 2.  I'm so happy I sent my next DA one shot off.

I'm still learning about this thing.

Thanks for the faves, follows, and reviews.


Monday, April 7, 2014

Plans for This Week 4/5-4/12

My amazing readers,

First, I will be uploading a new Ava and Fenris One shot.  It has already been sent to a computer.

Second, I will begin typing up Chapter 36 of Unknowing Queen.

Third, I will begin to write Chapter 37.

A little side note, I've got a bit of Chapter 2 of TGP written up.

Thanks for the lovely gifts.


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Overall Update

My spectacular readers,

First, I've updated The Goblin Princess.  I have my plan for Chapter 2, but I won't begin to write it just yet.

Second, I will soon begin typing up Chapter 36 of Unknowing Queen.  I won't give a start date, or when it will be uploaded.  I do have an idea as of what's going to happen in Chapter 37.

Thirdly, I'm currently working on a one shot for my Dragon Age series.  I will say it's set in Act III.

For my Wattpad readers,

I will soon be copying more stories to the site.  So be on the look out.

Thanks for the lovely gifts as always.


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Work on Chapter 37 Has Begun

My wonderful readers,

I have begun planning what will happen in Chapter 37 of Unknowing Queen.  I of course won't reveal anything here.  It will more than likely not be uploaded until next month.

I will soon begin typing up Chapter 36.  It will be up before the end of the month.

Thanks for all the lovely gifts ya'll have given me.


A Nice Update On The Goblin Princess

My amazing readers,

So I'm letting you all know that I'm now on page two of Chapter 1.  Now I mean typed.  I'm typing up on my tablet.  Now let me explain.  I'm just typing it as I write it.  Now I should mention that I can't copy from a site and paste into my word prossor.

I'm saying that of course because of that review, but type writing allows me to cut out somethings, and it allows me to write.  I can also use the speech to text, too.

Hopefully, I will soon be telling you that Chapter 1 is being sent to a real computer to be worked on before uploading.

Love as always,

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Explaining Myself

Okay, for anyone who happens to visit  on The Goblin Princess I have completely rewritten the prologue.  I changed a few things, and I needed a new prologue to reflect that.

It's still the old prologue on Wattpad at the moment, but I am planning to change it soon.

I am working on Chapter 1.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Plans for April 2014

So here is the plan for this month for all my current works.
  • Update Unknowing Queen at least once.
  • Post Chapter 1 of TGP.
  • Post at least one one shot for my DA2 series.
  • Begin posting Unknowing Queen to Wattpad.

P.S.  Since I wasn't able to write anything last month for my anniversary, this month I will really try to get TGP up and running.  After all it's the first time in quite a few years I'm writing He-man, my first fandom on the site.