Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter, and SURPRISE!

So yes, I gave you all a nice surprise didn't I.  I hope you enjoyed my little surprise for Easter.

The chapter that would have gone out this week, will be released next week.

I hope to see you back here on the 1st to read my goals for April.

Thanks, love, and Happy Easter,

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Have No Fears, Just An Update

Have no fear, this week's chapter is ready.  I'm just having with some troubles with the last chapter for this month.  I've been working on it for awhile now.  It's close, but not finished.  I still have a few more weeks to go, but I need to get started on next month's chapters.

Err.  Well, off to work.

Thanks and love,

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Got Another Week Almost Ready

So I've got the release for the 23rd almost ready.  I just need to get the memory done since it's a TGP chapter.  More than likely before I start on the memory, I'll start on the next chapter of Nothing Is What It Seems

See you guys next week.


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March 2016's Plan

Happy Spring to those who the first of March starts spring.  For the rest us, we can't wait for it to get here.  Any way, you guys are here to see the schedule of releases and hear if I have anything new.  Well, then let's get started.  Please remember that this isn't a promise.  I am hoping to get these out to you guys.


As of right now, new chapters for TGP (The Goblin Princess) will be released near or on the 9th and the 23rd.  New chapters for Nothing Is What It Seems will be released near or on the 16th and the 30th.  Now if something happens I can't get a chapter for one of the two stories I'm working on, I'll try to get something out that week, but no promises.  At the moment, I only have half of next month's releases written.  I'm working getting the second half ready.  My hope is to release something most Wednesdays this month.


So I'm sure my Wattpad readers, remember the story that I started on the site, but never did more than the first chapter.  Well, if you don't remember I lost the second chapter, which was mostly written, when I accidentally deleted it off my tablet.  Any way, I haven't made a decision about what I'm going to do with it.  I don't remember much of what I had planned for it.  I may have to take it down.

Also, I hate to say this again, but no Easter story this year.  Sorry.

Thanks for all the support you give me.  Be it a review, a pm, a fave, a follow, and/or a comment.  You guys are wonderful
