Friday, January 22, 2016

My Goal For The Rest Of This Month

Starting next month, I'm going to start doing my monthly goals at the beginning of each month.  I know that there is only one week left in this month, but I wanted to get this out.

I'm planning/hoping to have something ready to release next week.  I'm not promising that from now I'll have a chapter a week or something.  Oh, I can't do that, but I do have something almost ready.  So I can make this one.

Maybe I'll start sneak peeks again, but not for anything current.

We'll have to wait and see.

Thanks and love,

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Those Crazy Days

Mother Nature is just loving playing tricks on us.  We had a mild Christmas, and now we have a chance at snow.  Really?

Any way, besides the crazy Alabama weather, I do have some tiny news for ya'll.

I finally released a new chapter for The Goblin Princess (TGP).  I'm so happy to finally get a chapter out for it.  I plan to start working on the next one as soon as I get the next chapter of Nothing Is What It Seems out.

Also, I am working on Chapter 24 of Nothing Is What It Seems.  It's still being a pain, but I do have an idea of what I want to happen in the chapter.

I may do a Valentine's story, but if I do I will write it first and only allow myself to do a one shot.

Thanks and love,

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Chapter 24 is being a pain

So I've started on Chapter 24 of Nothing Is What It Seems, but it's not coming to me really.  I do have an idea, but it's just not coming.

So I'm going to work on TGP for a bit.

I'll take a nice little break between chapters.


Paint's Not Being Kind

I can't get paint to work right.  So I may not be able to make covers for the stories.  I'll try again later.  At the moment, I'm off to work on a new chapter.


An Idea

I've said this before, and I've kinda done it,  But I'm going to try, again.  I'm going to try and make covers for some if not all of my stories.  If anyone wishes to help, please do.  I only have paint so they won't be the best, but it will be something.

I think I'll start with Nothing and TGP, before going back.  I did have one for TGP before, but I took it down.  I'm going to do a differnt one.

So wish me luck.  Don't worry I'm still writing.


Friday, January 15, 2016

Something That Bugs Me

So I'm busy working on Chapter 23 of Nothing Is What It Seems.  The thing is before I release the new chapter.  I'm going to go back and change a few things.  Nothing big I promise, but I have to change Hoggle's dialogue.  It's bothering me.  If I see anything else wrong, I'll fix it.  My fear is that I will want to change it too much.  That's why I normally don't go back and edit stuff after I finish a story.   It shouldn't take me long.  I'm only doing Hoggle's dialouge.  So not all chapters will be looked at.

I'm actually almost finished with the chapter.  So hopefully I'll get it up soon.

Thanks and love,

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Plans For Moving Forward

Okay, since The Christmas Gift is finally finished, I am now going to begin working on Nothing Is What It Seems and TGP.  I can't promise that it'll be out this month,but it's coming.

I can't promise a Valentine's story to follow up to The Christmas Gift.  I'll try to, but I want to get a new chapter out for Nothing or TGP first. 

Thanks all of the support you guys give me.


Monday, January 11, 2016

Long Live The Goblin King

Yesterday, the world lost a very influential musician, no artist.  We lost our Goblin King.  So my fellow Labyrinth fans have no fears  he will live on each time we watch the movie or when someone starts a new fan fiction.  RIP David Bowie.  We'll keep "Magic Dance" alive.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

GOT SOMETHING OUT FINALLY, but not finished yet

So I'm sure it has been about a month since I released Chapter 3 of The Christmas Gift.  Anyway, I have finally given you guys a new chapter, but it's not the final one.  It was getting pretty long, at least for this story.  So I cut it.  Don't worry after I cook and have dinner tonight I'll work on it a bit before I go to bed, I'm going to work on it. 

It's actually almost finished.  At least, I feel like it's close.

Sorry for the long delay.

Thanks and love,


Monday, January 4, 2016

Still Working, but Well Blame A Game

Since I have my computer back (Yeah!), I'm really trying to get this Christmas story written, but I got a new game.  I can play it and write at the same time, if I want to.  It's Cities:  Skylines.  So I can watch over my city and write.

I can already tell you guys that I won't be able to write after work, but I'll try to write before I go to work.

I'm not going to make and release dates set in stone for anything.  I may even take a little break to relax from the Holidays.

Also, remember back when I messed up and deleted stuff on my tablet.  Well, I have completely lost the almost completed Chapter 12 of TGP.  I do remember some of what I had in the chapter, and I've already written a bit.  Hopefully, I haven't lost anything else.


Saturday, January 2, 2016

Wonderful, Amazing News

I have my computer back.  Somehow my RAM got loose.  My dad just tighten it back up, and we're good to go.

I'm going to go through some of what I have on my computer and see how far I was before the disaster struck.

I still can't say when I'll get the Christmas story finished, but I'm working on it.

Thanks and love,


Change of Plans Again

So I've finished getting what I have on Wattpad, but the problem is I'm still wiped from the holidays.  Blame work mostly.  I really want to relax, and right now the Christmas story isn't relaxing.

I have started on the hopefully finally part, but I'm coming up blank.  I do need to get this finished before February.

I may start working on the next chapter of Nothing Is What It Seems or continue working on what I have of TGP.

I may end up taking the month off except to get this Christmas story finished.
