Monday, May 25, 2015

I'm So Happy

Finally.  Finally, Chapter 15 of Nothing Is What It Seems has been written.  I'm so happy.  It was being a pain, but I finally was able to get it down.  So now I'm off to work on the next chapter of TGP.  I'll work on it a bit, and then I'll start on the next chapter of Meeting The Family.


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

This Chapter Is Taking Forever

Chapter 15 of Nothing Is What It Seems is being a pain to write.  I know what I want, but I can't just get it out.  I hate when this happens.  I'm thinking I'll start on Chapter 11 of TGP.  At least, I can work on something.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Just A Little Update and Change of Plans

Daily Dabble is going to change slightly.  I won't post something here on my blog everyday.  Either I'll work on a chapter or write something here.  So it won't be so daily anymore, but I won't change the name of the series.

I'm in the middle of working on Chapter 15 of Nothing Is What It Seems.  Once that's done, I'm going to start on TGP's next chapter.  I'm trying to get all of June's chapters written this month, because June can become a crazy month for me.

Daily Dabble - 5/14/15


Words are so important.  Words convey so much that we take for granted.  Words are the world to some; mostly those who write.  Words feel are life with so much.  Sometimes we forget how important words are.  Sometimes the good words are forgot because of the bad ones.  Not cuss words, but words that hurt.

A word can change so much how a person reacts to you.  It can cause someone to hate you or dislike you, at least. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Daily Dabble - 5/13/15


The cause of some problems.  It's not necessarily a bad, but it can cause pain.  It can be for change or beliefs, not just something more personal.  Passion is something we all need about something.  We've seen what passion for a cause can do, be it good or bad.  

We seem to admire those who do something with a passion, but sometimes we don't. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Daily Dabble - 5/12/2015


 Fear of what could be coming.  Fear of the unknown.  So many fears come from this word.  This one word causes so many problems.  It causes stress, which can cause so many problems for people.  Worrying is something someone does every once in a while, or it's a constant friend.  Worry is something some people fear in of itself. 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

News About Releasees

As I said at the beginning of the month, I was trying to release new chapters of my three current stories once a week in order.  Well, I'm changing it a bit.  Nothing Is What It Seems and Meeting The Family will have new releases more often than The Goblin Princess, because I'm planning to release TGP only once a month.  Mostly because it's the big story and takes longer to write.

I have next week's release written.  I just need to edit it.  I'm working on the one after that at the moment.

I do have a plan some what for the next chapter of TGP.  It is after all the first chapter of the story that takes place in the Labyrinth.

I'll try to keep you all up to date on how things are going.


Daily Dabble - 5/10/15

Today's Photo

I didn't know what to make of what I was seeing.  I had never heard much less seen a black unicorn.  I had seen the Pegasus that was beside him before.  She was flying around him, seemingly trying to get his attention.  He would throw up his head, but he only stood at the edge of the cliff. 

Finally, she landed as close to him as she could.  He lowered his head slightly as she walked over to him.  Then to my surprise they nuzzled each other.  What was this?  Suddenly, a tiny little Pegasus came flying out of the forest beyond the cliff.  It stopped abruptly before going over the edge.  I soon realized something  that I could ever had imagine.  On the young Pegasus's head, was a small horn.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Daily Dabble - 5/9/2015

Today's Photo

They stood under the flowering tree, below a full moon.  Who were they?  Why were they there?  None knew.  They stood back to back of each other in silence.  All any one did know was they were someone of importance or at least one of them was.   They were dressed in fine clothing, which seemed out of place in the shabby village.  No one from the village dared go near them.  None wished to deal with those swords.

So they came and went as they wished, while the village watched and came up with its own tales about them.  Never knowing who they really were.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Daily Dabble - 5/7/2015

Today's Photo

What had this temple once represent?  Had it held priests or priestesses?  Was it visited daily or was it a pilgrimage?  Now it was not more than a ruin.  Should I walked up it's stairs and reach the temple's highest point? 

It felt calm near the bottom of the stairs.  The rest of the forest had been nosiy, but now it was silent.  I didn't like that.  Why was it so silent here?  What kept the bugs and animals away from the area?

Slowly I left the temple in the forest the way I found it.  I decided that since the forest kept it alone, I would as well.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Daily Dabble - 5/6/15

Today's Photo

 She had to flee.  She had no choice.  Either she stayed and lived a life she didn't want, or she left all she knew to try for something new.

 Sitring upon her horse at the edge of the river, she looked up at the full moon.  Soon they would notice, she was gone.  They would come fast as they could to stop her.

Hearing them coming, she urged her horse into the water.  She had to cross before they arrived.  They wouldn't follow after her.  As she reached the other bank, she turned as they guards appeared.

 She smiled as she urged her horse forwards.  She was free.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Daily Dabble - May 5, 2015

Today's Photo

 It once stood so noble, full of life, but now the great castle stood in ruins.  How could this have happen?  He had only been gone a few years, not the decade like other lords.  What had happened to his keep?  Where was hid family?  The former lord hung his head before he remounted his horse and left.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Daily Dabble - 5/4/2015

Today's Photo

I slowly moved the branch out of my way to see the lake beyond.  I couldn't help but smile as I watched the two magnificent birds.  They looked like two normal swans to me, but I didn't know what they truly were until later.  The moon looked massive beind them.  It looked so close I felt I could touch it. 

The two swans swam side by side.  They looked so gracefully as they moved.  I almost wished I could capture them, but I knew that would fail.  So I stayed in my hdidng spot watching.

Suddenly, they took the air, looking just as gracefully as they had on the water.  It almost looked like they were rising into a light, but I knew that couldn't be true.  I moved the branch back and left that lovely lake, with only my memories to remind me.

One Down and Two to Go?

I've finished the rough draft of the next chapter of Meeting The Family.  Now I'm off to write the next chapter of Nothing Is What It Seems.  I may actually write two full chapters for each stories before I start writing on the next chapter for TGP. 

I'm debating what's going to happen in this chapter.  So having a bit of Writer's Block.  Although, I do know what I want to happen in TGP.  So I may go work on that.  At least, I got one chapter done.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Daily Dabble - 5/3/2015

Today's Photo

The Ice Dragon is something you truly don't want to come upon.  Especially if she has her young with her.  She is a fierce mother.  Unlike her fire breathing cousin, she will freeze you where you stand, instead of burning you into a crisp.

Ice Dragons prefer cold place, of course.  Mostly they live high into the mountains or at the poles.  They also prefer to stay away from their warmer cousin.  The two types of dragons do not mix.  They are enemies, if an animal can have one.

Ice Dragons are slightly harder to earn the trust of than a fire dragon.  While a fire dragon may let you closer if you bring it some type of trinket to add to its horde, an ice dragon requires more.  This is because an ice dragon does not have a horde. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Daily Dabble - 5/2/2015

I missed a day.  I had a different work schedule on the 1st so it threw me off.  I didn't remember until 3am today, which is why I'm posting today's now.


Today's Photo

 Riding high in the sky, we can see everything.  We see the river flow through the tiny village we once called home.  We see the farm lands that surround it in golden colors.  What we don't see is why we're leaving.  We no longer belong to that quiet little village.  Not after they discovered our secret.  We had to leave everything behind, including Mother and Father. 

They would use him, hurt him, or worse kill him.  We can't let that happen.  So here we are flying high above all we knew, to save our friend.  The world is not ready to learn that he or his kind exist in the world hidden most of the time. 

We should had never lead him to our home, but we didn't know.  Now we pay more than he does.  He's returning home, with us in tow.  We both refuse to cry as he flies higher into the clouds. 

We won't forget what we left, but we can't go back.  With him gone, they will no doubt come after us. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

May 2015 Goals

Another month has arrived.  Last month I got so much done.  I began doing weekly releases, which I do plan to continue this month.  I'm hoping to add The Goblin Princess into the mix with Nothing Is What It Seems and Meeting The Family.  I'll still write one shots every once in awhile.  Depends if I get an idea or not.

With the new release schedule, there will be one release for each story once a month.  For any other weeks after the three planned release weeks, I'll release something.  It may be another chapter of a story or an one shot.

Also, I'm continuing Daily Dabble.  Mostly, it just for me to write something random about something.  Feel free to submit ideas for the series.

Thanks for the reviews, faves, follows, and comments.
