Thursday, February 27, 2014

Just A Quick Update

Hi, my wonderful readers,

Chapter 35 is coming along now.  It's four and a half handwritten pages at the moment.  I'm rereading Unknowing Queen to get info that I forgot to keep copies of.  Don't worry.  It shouldn't take me long to get the info I need.

Like I said more than likely I will only update once next month.  I will of course tell you guys what's going on.

Thanks for all the views, favorites, and follows.


P.S.  I may take a short break after I get Chapter 35 up to work on the first chapter of TGP.  We'll have to wait and see.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Chapter 34 is Off

Hello, my wonderful readers,

Good news, guys.  I've finished typing up Chapter 34.  I rewrote a bit of it as I was typing it.  I can't say when I'll be uploading it, but I'll do it when I can.  My work schedule is increasing the next few weeks.  Not bad news per say, but I won't have as much time to write.

I'll try to give you all sometime to keep you all happy.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

So sorry guys

I haven't forgotten you my wonderful readers.  I've been working a bit more, and watching the Olympics.  I do have some of Chapter 34 typed up.  I won't lie I've been playing sims 3 again.

I'll try to give you guys something soon.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Just To Let You Know

Hello, my amazing readers,

So I hope ya'll have read Valentine Evenings.  Chapter 34 of Unknowing Queen has its rough draft finished.  I want to have some of Chapter 35 written before I do a quick edit and begin typing up Chapter 34.

I haven't done anything with the first rough draft of Chapter 1 of TGP.  I want to get more of Unknowing Queen finished first.  I will of course let you guys knows what's going on.


Friday, February 7, 2014

Valentine's Story is Off

Hello, my wonderful readers,

So the story has been sent off from my tablet.  I can't say for sure when it'll be up.  I do know it will be up in time.


P.S.  Now I'll work on Chapter 34.  I'll try to have it up before the end of the month.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Stories' Update

Hello, my wonderful readers,

First off, I'm about to begin typing up my Valentine's story.  It'll be harder to get it up since I have to fight with my dad and brother to get a computer.

Second, I'm having problems getting what's in my head down on paper for Unknowing Queen.  I will try to have Chapter 34 ready by the end of this month.

Third, I'm trying not to work on TGP right now.


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Feeling Better

Hi, my wonderful readers,

So I'm feeling much better, and I have finished the rough drafts of both the Valentine's story and the first chapter of The Goblin Princess.  I've also begun on Chapter 34 of Unknowing Queen.

I do know that I will be doing an almost complete rewrite of what I have for TGP.  I need to make it longer and well a better opening, but it's on the back burner at the moment.

The Valentine's story will the first I typed, while I work on the rough draft for Chapter 34.  As you can guess it's hard trying to figure out Sarah's emotions in this chapter, but I'm working on it.

So watch and see.  I promise to have the Valentine's story up by the 14th.  I just need to edit on paper and then type it.  Then comes Chapter 34.  I do want Chapter 1 of TGP up so that you all can read it and get hooked.
