Thursday, January 30, 2014

I'm Sick Guys

Hi, my lovely readers,

So as you guys know I'm dealing with something.  Well, I know it's bad when I don
t want to sit up and play Sims 3.  So I'll work on my Valentine's story as I feel like it.  No fever as far as I can tell.  More than likely it's just a cold, but it still sucks.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Chapter 33 is Away

Hello, my wonderful readers,

So Chapter 33 is now up for your viewing pleasure.  I can't say when Chapter 34 will be written or posted.  Hopefully, it won't be too long, but it depends on when I finish my Valentine's story.  I'm off to work on it now, but I'm thinking of posting the prologue of the epic I'm planning.  I'm thinking of doing it in books.

I stated that the second part would be a Labyrinth and Phantom of the Opera crossover.  I won't say more of course, but I have to get the first done.  I do hope you all will enjoy it.


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Please Pray

So all anyone in the US knows, we're being hit with another Arctic Blast.  Except this time in Alabama, we also got snow.  Here's the problem.  My dad and a lot of others thought they could go to work or school.  There are people stranded.  Now please understand, we don't get snow that often here.  I'm a Southern girl, and cause it doesn't snow that much I love seeing.

So please pray for those who are stranded. 


Err Wattpad Plan is Finished

Hello, my wonderful readers,

So for me it's 1am on Jan. 28, 2014, but Google will say it's still the 27th.   Any way, I was able to get to a computer, and I was able to copy everything I mentioned in my last post already.  So I guess I'll begin moving the Jareth series and Persephone.  I more than likely will wait a bit before moving any of the Holiday series, because I want to try and get them in one collection.

So enjoy what's up on Wattpad.  I'll try to get almost everything over there as soon as I can.


Monday, January 27, 2014

Wattpad Updating Plan

Hello, my wonderful, readers,

So my plan for now is to upload Masters of The Universe (2002) Seasons 3 and 4.  Then follow with Sarah's choice, and The Phantom of The Labyrinth.  I want to have them all finished by the end of next month.  I need to have some of them up before I begin posting my epic, which will be posted on first, and then on

Once it begins, I hope you all will see why.


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Quick Update on Chapter 33 and Valentine's Day story

Hello, my amazing, readers,

I've made my decision about Chapter 33.  I'm ending it where it is at the moment.  So I'll begin typing it up once the Valentine's story's  rough draft is finished.  I've got one page so far.

It's going to be a one shot.  I'm a little out of practice, but it's going to be a one shot.  And yes, it is a Labyrinth story.  I will have it up before the 14th of next month.  So be on the look out.


P.S.  I'm hoping to have the first chapter or at least the prologue of my epic up on my   anniversary.  So follow me to know it is up.

Friday, January 24, 2014

What is Going on with Chapter 33?

Hello, my wonderful, readers,

So Chapter 33 is almost finished, and it is very close to be ready to begin typing up.  I'm just having some problems with where exactly to finish it.  I will tell you all quite a bit happens in this chapter.


P.S.  I can't say when I'll begin uploading anything to Wattpad.  I will be uploading the other two season of He-man, I've written.  I just might upload an old Labyrinth story in the mean time.  You'll just have to wait and see.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sorry for Delay

My wonderful readers,

I've emailed Chapter 32 to myself, but it might be awhile till I can get to an actual computer to upload it.  So it's going to be awhile.  I have already begun working on Chapter 33.

Now I don't have this problem with Wattpad, at the moment.  Although, to upload anything that isn't just copying and pasting, I will have the same problem.  So Heman won't have any problems.  I'll try to have Season 3 finished today.  I might begin uploading Season 4 as well. I'll have to wait and see.

I promise I'll have a story ready for next month.  I have an idea finally, but I have to got to a new legal pad to start on it.  I'm hoping I have enough in the current one for Chapter 33.

Thanks for being so patient with me.  This next few Chapters feel like they're going to be hard on me, but I'll keep pushing.


Monday, January 20, 2014

Wattpad Update- Heman

Hello, my spectacular readers,

So I'll soon begin the uploading of my three He-man stories to Wattpad.  I'll begin with Season 3.  For my new readers, the very first story I ever posted on was Season 4 of Masters of The Universe.  So yeah, I really want to put it on another site.  So even if you follow me for my Laby fics, why not read the story that started it all on


P.S.  I'm working on getting a summary ready for the first part of the Epic Saga.  I want it up before I get the first chapter ready.  So be on the look out in Upcoming Works on my profile on

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Good News About Chapter 32

Hello, my amazing readers,

So I'm about to start to start typing up Chapter 32.  I can't decide weither to begin working on Chapter 33 or start on my Valentine's story.  I still have a few weeks till I need the Valentine's story.  I'll think of something.  I can't say when I'll upload Chapter 32.


Friday, January 17, 2014

Working on Chapter 32

Hello, my wonderful readers,

So I've begun working on Chapter 32.  It seems it wants to be stubborn.  So it might be awhile.  Hopefully, it will get easier to write as it comes along.  I can't say when it will be uploaded.  I'll try to get it up before Valentine's.

I want to get Chapter 32 finished as soon as I can, because I need to work on my Valentine's story.  I think I may have the idea.  You'll just have to wait and see which fandom it's for.


Dreams and Nightmares is Completed

My wonderful Wattpad readers, and also my readers,

Dreams and Nightmares has been completely copied to Wattpad.  So if you wish you can go there to read it as well. 

As stated before, I'll be uploading my He-man series next to Wattpad, to prepare for the possible epic saga coming.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Chapter 31 is Up

Hello, my amazing readers,

So Chapter 31 is up.  As I say in the AN, please don't be angry with me.  I know that it isn't what some of you would like, but I wasn't planning to do a full lemon.  With this chapter, the journey to the end of the story has begun.  I won't reveal any more.

I have yet to begin working on Chapter 32.  So I can't say when it will be up.

Until next time.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Update For Everything

Hello, my amazing readers,

So I've decide what will be the next uploads to Wattpad.  I'm going back to my first stories on  I'll begin uploading my He man series, once Dreams and Nightmares is finished.  I know that most of you follow me for my Labyrinth stories, but I want these on Wattpad, before I begin working on my huge saga I'm thinking of doing.  If I do start it, you'll understand why.

About Chapter 31 of Unknowing Queen, I've begun typing it.  So I may be able to get it up by early next week.  I do hope you all will enjoy it.

I'm debating about writing a Valentine's story.  I can't decide on what fandom it would be for.


Good News About Chapter 31

Hello, my spectacular readers,

So the handwritten draft is finished.  I just need to type it up.  I may have found a way to make uploading happen quicker.  So we'll wait and see.  I'll try to have it up this week or next.


P.S.  I'm trying to pace out the uploads for Wattpad, since it really is just me reposting things from

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Some Explaining About Wattpad

Hello, my amazing readers,

So I've made the decision to just repost Dreams and Nightmares changing the few things to make it go with the name changes I did.  Mostly because I don't want to do a complete rewrite and the idea I had might work better for Jareth and Sarah.  So please enjoy the orginal with a bit of editing.


P.S.  I'll be working on my profile soon.  I really need to clean it up.

Monday, January 13, 2014

My Promise for January 2014

I promise to have Chapter 31 up before the end of this month, my amazing readers.  I'm also working on Dreams and Nightmares on Wattpad, too.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Wattpad Update

Hello, my amazing readers,

So I've made the decsion to not rewrite completely Dreams and Nightmares.  I will rework it a bit though.  I do plan to have the first chapter ready soon.  So be on the look out.


Chapter 31 News

Hello, my spectacular readers,

So I know I haven't posted Chapter 30 yet, but Chapter 31 is being a whole lot easy to write, at least at the moment.  I'll try to get on a computer soon.  So please be patient.  I promise it will be up this week.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Some Good News Finally

Hello, my wonderful readers,

Chapter 30 has been sent off to a computer.  So I should be able to do the final edit and have it up soon, I hope.

I'll begin work on Chapter 31 after this post is posted.  Hopefully, it won't be as hard to write.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Maybe Some Good News

Hello, my wonderful readers,

Okay, so I've gotten most of Chapter 30 typed up, but I may be rewriting it a bit.  I'll need to think about it.  I'll try to have it up before the end of the month.  This chapter is being a bit hard on me.

Thanks for waiting.  I'm working hard to make it where the wait has been worth it.


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy 2014!

Hello, my amazing readers,

I hope you al had a great Christmas.  I've been busy traveling Unova since then.  Yes, I've been playing a Pokemon game.  So ah no typing.  I've almost beatened the storyline, so that should be good.  I'll try to get Chapter 30 out soon.

Thanks for all new favorites and follows at and  You guys rock!
