Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Thank You

Thanks for all the views, comments, reviews, follows, and favorites on both sites.

Here's to a new year filled with happiness and joy.


P.S.  I've finished the rough draft of Chapter 9 of The Goblin Princess.  So I'm off to begin working on Chapter 10.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

About Chapter 1 of Nothing Is What It Seems

Thanks for the reviews of Chapter 1of Nothing Is What It Seems, but I had a reason for writing the chapter the way I did.

I wrote it to be closer to the movie versus the fairy tale I'm using as the base.  Here's the link to the version I'm using as my inspiration (Cat-skin). 

Yes, I could had completely rewrote the story and have it where they ever had met before, and say she was a princess from a neighboring Kingdom.  But I wanted a sequel to the movie not a complete new tale.

Not all "parents" are nice people.  I could tell you stories, but I won't.  I can recommend a book written by David Pelzer called A Child Called It.  (It is very sad and may be a bit too graphic for some.)  I had it read in class when I was in High School.  A parent can be cruel to their own childern.  We've seen it before.

I made Irene into the Evil Stepmother.  It's all Irene's doing.  Sarah's father is just trying to keep peace, but has failed.  It's a fairy tale based off of a fairy tale.  It's that simple.

So hopefully, that ends this.

Thanks and love,

Monday, December 29, 2014

Quick Little Update

Hello, my wonderful readers,

I'm working on editing both Chapters 8 and 9 of Nothing Is What It Seems.  I'm still not planning to release either next month.

I'm still working on Chapter 9 of The Goblin Princess.  It's almost finished.  Once I finally get it finished, I'll begin working on Chapter 10.

I want to have maybe five Chapters for each story ready, but depends on how I feel.  Also, I'm getting a new video game in a few days.  My brother's going to play it first, but I know it's going to take away time from writing.

Thanks for everything.  Here's to an wonderful new year.


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Monday, December 15, 2014 is Down

So I couldn't upload today on because it's down for me.  I can't get on the site at all.  Hopefully, it'll be up soon, and I can post.


Sunday, December 14, 2014

As Of Right Now

Okay, so I'm not posting next month, or at least not planning to, but I wanted to let you all know what's going on with the chapters I do have rough drafts for.

So I have two chapters written for Nothing Is What It Seems.  I know that it's my "big" story, but it's not the one I really want to work on.  I know I've said this before, but I don't want my new series to end up like the Buffy series I started years ago.

I've been working on Chapter 9 of The Goblin Princess for close to two months, and I don't even have a page written.  So that's one of the reasons I made the decision about next month.  

I'm also working on a new Power Rangers' story.  It's a Christmas one shot.  It's short, but sweet.  It wasn't planned at all.  It just came to me.

Thanks and love,

Thursday, December 11, 2014

My Decision About January 2015

My wonderful readers,

So I promised to tell you all my decision about taking January off or not.  I do have a few chapters written (mostly for Nothing Is What It Seems), but I'm not going to release them yet.

So my plan for January is to try and write a few more chapters for each of the two stories.  I may release the chapters I have now next month, but as of right now I haven't even sent them off to  my beta yet.

So as of right now, no releases are planned for next month, but I won't be taking the month off completely.  There may be some one shots here and there.  I won't say there won't be.

This means that I will more than likely have a new schedule starting in February.  I will of course tell you it all here and in the ANs on the chapters when I post them.

Thanks for your wonderful support and understanding.


Monday, December 1, 2014

My Goals For Decemeber

Another month, my wonderful readers,

So this month you get two chapters of Nothing Is What It Seems.  You also get the Laby Christmas story for this year, which ties into TGP.  Of course, you also get the latest chapter of The Goblin PrincessEverything will be released before Christmas.

There will be a post every week for the first three weeks of the month.  One will have two cause of the extra chapter.

I'm not planning any other releases this month, but who knows.  I do plan to try and write when I can this month.  As I've said before I am working on what could be next month's releases or February's releases.  I've actually finished the rough draft of Chapter 9 of Nothing Is What It Seems, but it won't be released this month no matter what.

I haven't decided about taking off next month or not.  I will make my decision before the end of the month, and I'll post it here for you all to see.

So Merry Christmas.  Happy holidays.  

Thanks and love,

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!!

For all of my American readers, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.  As wells as a safe Black Friday.


Sunday, November 23, 2014

Having Some Problems

So relax, nothing's going to stop me uploading the chapter of Nothing Is What It Seems, (well except for no internet).  I'm working on both Chapter 9 of Nothing Is What It Seems (which isn't giving me any problems) and Chapter 9 of The Goblin Princess right now.

TGP is giving me some problems.   I'm at a point in the chapter that can go two different ways.  I can't decide which way it should go.  Either way is good, but one does have a slight advantage.  This story is being a pain, but I will move forward.

Nothing is fortunately not being a pain.  It's coming easier.  It does help that the chapters are shorter.  I'm trying not to make it into a massive story, but it just might end up being one. 

It's looking more and more like I'm going to take a semi-vacation during January.

Thanks and love,

Monday, November 17, 2014

A Few Days Early

So since I uploaded Nothing Is What It Seems's chapter a day early, I decided to do the same for this month's The Goblin Princess chapter.

Which brings me to this, Chapter 9 of TGP is being a pain.  Once you see next month's chapter you'll realize where things are heading, and well, I know what I want.  But the words just aren't coming.  So as much as I want to work on TGP over Nothing; it looks like I may work on yet another Nothing chapter.

I had wanted to have TGP finished before the end of the year, but that's not going to happen.  I really don't want this to go too long, since this is the begining of a series.  I also refuse not to finish this series.

So hope you all enjoyed and thanks,

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Sneak Peek of Nothing Is What It Seems

So here's another sneak peek, but I'm not revealing which chapter it comes from. So enjoy the tiny little sneak peek. 


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Another Draft Almost Finished

Hello, my wonderful readers,

So I'm almost finished with the first draft of Chapter 8 of Nothing Is What It Seems.  I'm hoping it will be ready to be posted next month.  Yes, you'll get two chapters next month.

After I get this chapter off to my beta, I'm going to begin working on the next chapter of The Goblin Princess.  It's about a chapter or two a way from really getting into the Labyrinth part of the story.

I may try to get another one shot out before the end of the month.

Thanks and love,

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Another Surprise!!

Yes, another surprise.  So I gave you all another chapter of Nothing Is What It Seems this month.  As I said in the AN on, I have two more chapters written, and I'm currently working on Chapter 8.

I may do another sneak peek before I update Chapter 6, but you'll have to wait and see.

Thanks and love,

Saturday, November 8, 2014

New Thanksgiving Power Rangers One Shot

So here's the big updating surprise.  I wrote this earlier this week.  It was just a nice sweet idea that popped in my head.  So enjoy.



Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Okay, there's going to be three updates this month

Yeah, I know I gave you guys an update earlier today, but I had to get the story finished.  I'm not going to upload it just yet.  It's not Labyrinth related at all.  It's just a nice sweet one shot for Thanksgiving.

I'm going to do a bit more editing.  This story won't be sent to my beta.  So it's just edited by me.  She does have two chapters already to look over.

I may actually get her some more chapters before Thanksgiving.  It's really a dream at the moment.



So I've given you guys the newest chapter of Nothing Is What It Sees a day early.  This is mostly because as I said I may write something none Labyrinth to take a small break from the fandom.  Have no fears, I'm working on a new chapter of Nothing,too. 

So enjoy the early update.

Thanks and love,

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Just A Nice Update

Hello, my wonderful readers,

I know I did my monthly update only yesterday, but somethings have happened.  A lot can happen in a day.

So to let you guys know what I'm working on now.  I'm working on some new chapters of Nothing Is What It Seems.  It's not being as difficult as TGP.

I am hoping to get maybe some updates ready for January.  I may change my updating schedule, but nothing is certain at the moment.

I'm writing when I'm in the mood. So who knows what I'll get done.

Thanks and love,

Saturday, November 1, 2014

November 2014 Plans

Hello, my wonderful readers,

So last month, I got a bit done.  Even though some chapters were being more difficult than others, but this begins a new month.  

So here's the plan for this month.

  1. Upload the Chapters for this month.
  2. Get Chapters ready for next month.
  3. Work on a new DA one shot.
Not much this month again.  Of course, this month is the real beginning of the Holiday season. I'll work when I can these next two months.  I still want to play Minecraft when I can.

I'm going to go ahead and tell you guys now.  I'm thinking of taking January 2015 off from updating.  To give myself some time to get another nice supply set up.

In case, I don't update again.  I hope you all have a nice and safe Thanksgiving and Black Friday.


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Wonderful News

I'll make this short and sweet.  I have my computer back.  Yeah!!!

So Next week's update will have no problems.  

Thanks and Love,


Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 2014 Update

Hello, my spooktalur readers,

First, still don't have my computer back yet, but I have been working on new chapters.

Secondly, the Halloween story goes up next Wednesday.  I didn't forget.

Not much too report guys.

Thanks for your support.


Monday, October 6, 2014

Very Important News

So I woke up this morning to something horrible.  My computer wouldn't turn on.  Don't worry about updates.  I have those safe and sound.

This will more than likely will change how my beta and I work together.

Hopefully, I won't go without for long, but it now means no Minecraft.  I'll write instead of killing zombies.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My Hopes For October 2014

So another month and another list of my hopes and goals for the month.  The Holiday Season has begun.  It's not super crazy at the moment, but it's going to come.  

So here's this month's list.

  • Do the scheduled updates
  • Work on anything that needs to be ready for updating at scheduled time
  • Try to write a new DA oneshot
Not too detailed this time, but there's not reason for it to be.

Also, enjoy the new chapter of Nothing Is What It Seems that went up today.

Thanks and love,

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Big Update

Because of things beyond my control, I have to completely rewrite my Christmas story.  I have to do it in a very short time as to be done hopefully before things begin to go crazy.

Don't worry, next week's update is ready to go.

Thanks and love,

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Surprise Update

So this month hasn't turned out like I had thought it would.  I've been having some crazy schedules, but I did get Nothing is What It Seems's chapter for December written.  If I don't get the chapter for The Goblin Princess, I'm not worried.  You guys are getting the Christmas story, which I do need to work on, but it's written.

No worries about updates till December.  I do finally have an idea how to get Chapter 8 written for TGP, though.  So hopefully, I get it done in time.  Although, I may just write the next chapter of Nothing is What It Seems instead.

Only a week left until the next update.  Can you wait?

Thanks and love,

Monday, September 15, 2014

Just a Small Warning

First off, have no fears, The Goblin Princess will be updated this week.  The chapter is already preuploaded on both sites.  I just have to make it public.

The warning is this.  I'm playing Minecraft.  So I am sort of playing it instead of writing.  I have already sent Chapter 5 of Nothing Is What It Seems to my beta.  So at least it's updates shouldn't be in trouble.  I still need to write Chapter 8 of TGP and work on what I have for my Christmas story.

I'll try to have days where I don't play at all, but TGP is being a bit of a pain.

Thanks and love,

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Nice Update

So everything is ready for upload, except for the December uploads.  My Laby Christmas story is in rough draft form, as is Chapter 5 of Nothing is What It Seems.  I've just now begun working on Chapter 8 of TGP.

Mostly it's I've been playing Sims 3 instead of writing.  Don't worry about Sims 4 any time soon.  I'm waiting to get that.

Thanks and love,

Monday, September 1, 2014

The New Upload Schedule

I wanted to let you all know that there is a planned schedule for uploading/releasing the chapters as of right now.

First, Nothing Is What It Seems will be updated the first Wednesday every month.
Second, The Goblin Princess will be updated the third Wednesday every month.
Thirdly, if by chance either one of the two days is a Holiday, I will either update the day before or the day after, or if its the week of a big Holiday(say Thanksgiving or Christmas) , I will post the week before.

If, and this is a big if, I get more than needed to updated once a month for either story for the rest of the year, I may start updating when I can every Wednesday. 

Thanks and love,

September 2014 Plans/Goals

My wonderful amazing readers,

Here is my goals/plans for the month of September 2014.  This is the beginning of my two month writing frenzy.  Well, maybe month and half writing frenzy.  Retail starts to get crazy around mid October.  So I want to have a nice supply of chapters ready.

As stated before, I am planning as of right now, uploading one chapter per story each month until January 2015.  I'll try to space them out so that you don't get both chapters the same week.  

I am hoping to reach Chapter 10 in The Goblin Princess by the end of the year.  If I do, then there will be more updates.   No matter what you guys will get the Halloween and Christmas stories, as well as the planned chapters for the months to come.

So here's the goals/plans for this month.

  • Upload Chapter 2 of Nothing Is What It Seems
  • Upload Chapter 5 of The Goblin Princess
  • Work on Chapters 4 and 5 of Nothing Is What It Seems
  • Work on Chapters 6, 7, and maybe 8 of The Goblin Princess.
  • Work on my Laby Halloween story
  • Work on my Laby Christmas story

Mostly this month, it's working on upcoming chapters and the Holiday stories.  This of course includes editing and working with my beta.

Thanks for the follows, faves, comments, and reviews on both sites.


P.S.  I may try to get a new shot out for Dragon Age, but no promises.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

So Ends Another Month

My wonderful amazing readers,

So the month of August 2014 has come to an end.  I got a bit done this month.  Now, I have two stories going.  As well as the one shot series.  I got quite a bit written, but unfortunately you guys won't be seeing any of it for a while because of the update schedule.

Thanks for the reviews, comments, faves, and follows this month.


Friday, August 29, 2014

(Dancing) I'm So Happy

Chapter 7 of The Goblin Princess's rough draft is finally finished.  It's been sent off as well.

There may be a chance I can get more than one chapter per story updated till January 2015, but I won't make any promises.


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Almost Finished

Just another quick update.  Chapter 7 of TGP is now a little over three pages.  It's so close.  

Hopefully I'll get it finished later today.

Thanks and love,

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Doing A Happy Dance

Another quick little update for you guys.

Chapter 7 of The Goblin Princess is now two pages long.  I'm writing late into the night, err the early morning after work.  I need to get to chapter 8 written to do my one update per month.  I also have one chapter left to write in Nothing Is What It Seems.

Of course, I'll keep you guys up to date on everything.

Thanks and love,

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Got to A Page

It's not much of an update, but I now have a full page written for Chapter 7 of The Goblin Princess.

I know it's not much, but I'm happy I've gotten to this point.


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Yeah, I've Started Working

I'm so happy.  I started on Chapter 7 of The Goblin Princess.  It's only about a half a page long, but it's a start.  I'm hoping to get it finished this week, but it might not be till the week after.  It depends on how I feel after work and how much I can get written when I'm home.

I won't force it as you guys know, but I will do my best.  I may do a sneak peek for one of the stories soon.

Thanks and love,

Updating News

My awesome readers,

I regretfully have some news.  In case, I don't have enough written by November 2014, I am as of right now uploading a single chapter per story each month.  You will get the Halloween story in October.  So have no fears about that.

Thanks and love,

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Yeah, Got another Chapter Off!

My awesome readers,

So I finished the rough draft of Chapter 4 of Nothing.  It's been sent off to my beta.  I'm so happy I got it done.  

As of right now the plan for updates till January of 2015 is one chapter for each of the two main stories once a month.  I know it doesn't sound good, but in case I can't reach my goal of finishing The Goblin Princess before the end of the year, I needed a back up plan.

Now If I get chapters written, I will do more updates, but it depends on me, my schedule, and well life.

Thanks and love,

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

So Happy

My wonderful readers,

I finally finished my Halloween story for this year.  Well, I sent it to my beta for her to look over.  With it finally being finished, I can now begin on my almost two months of writing frenzy to have enough chapters written for the crazy months of retail.

I can't promise a Christmas story this year, but I'll try.  I don't want to mess with the tradition of a Laby Christmas story.

Hopefully, I haven't taken too much on.

Thanks for all of your support.


What I'm working on now

All right, so I now have two stories going at once.  The next Chapter of Nothing Is What It Seems is almost ready to post.  Chapter 5 of The Goblin Princess is waiting for Chapter 6 to be ready.

So that means I'm working on Chapter 4 of Nothing Is What It Seems.  I won't force it.  If I have trouble, I'll just go work on Chapter 7 of The Goblin Princess.

I may even try to get out a new Dragon Age II one shot.

Thanks and love,

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

New Laby Story is Up

My amazing readers,

I've changed my mind.  I will be posting chapters of Nothing Is What It Seems as they are written instead of waiting till I finish the story.  

I wont' lie.  I am using it to get readers to The Goblin Princess.  Of course, I know I have readers who have been waiting since I finished Unknowing Queen months ago for a new Laby story.

I have a few chapters written, but The Goblin Princess is still my main focus.

Links to the story can be found below. story story

Thanks and love,

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Goof News About TGP

Finally, after a month of waiting, Chapter 4 of The Goblin Princess is finally out.  

Chapter 5 will be released once I have finished writing Chapter 6 and have sent it off to my beta.

So enjoy.

Thanks and love,

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Writier's Block, We meet again

So Chapter 6 of The Goblin Princess is giving me problems again. I'm taking a slight break till it comes to me.  

It's almost finished, but I'm just having problems with getting it to the end.

So I may work on Nothing Is What It Seems or my Halloween story.

Don't know.

Thanks and love,

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Happy with Progress

I haven't finished Chapter 6 of The Goblin Princess, but I am close.  I just have a few more things that need to happen or I should say I want to happen.  My goal is to get it finished next week.

I'll work on it when I can.

Love and thanks,

Nothing Is What It Seems

As I've said, I would reveal the summary to my next Labyrinth story here on my blog first.  So here you guys go.

Also, I am seriously thinking of posting it as I write it instead of making you guys wait till I finish it.

Enjoy the teaser.


Finally The Editing Is Complete

After over a month of waiting, which I do thank you all for, The Goblin Princess will get a new chapter.  I will upload Chapter 4 next week. Chapter 5 is also ready, but I don't want to post it till I have finished Chapter 6 and have sent it to my beta.

So as of right now, I am working on Chapter 6.  I already have some of Chapter 7 written, but that's because I decided to rewrite Chapter 6.

No one shots for while.  

Thanks and love,

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The new Chapter 1 of TGP is Up

So the rewritten Chapter 1 of The Goblin Princess is up.  It's not much, but it does go better with what is coming.

So go and read the new version.  Chapter 3 has bigger changes I will warn you.


Chapter 1 of The Goblin Princess

So I took a Semi-Break

So this weekend I didn't have internet.  Even without my main source of entertainment, I couldn't get much out.  So I read some of the ebooks I have on my Kindle app.  I did add a bit to my Halloween story, but both it and Chapter 6 of The Goblin Princess have been giving me problems.

I've gotten Chapter 5 of TGP back, and I've sent back notes to my beta.  So hopefully, it'll done soon.

My biggest hope for this week is to try and get one of the things I'm currently writing finished.

We'll have to wait and see.

Thanks and love,

Friday, August 8, 2014

Recap of The Week

So here's a quick recap.
  • Chapter 4 of The Goblin Princess has been uploaded, but has not been made available to the public.
  • I'm still working on Chapter 6 of The Goblin Princess.
  • I'm still working on my Halloween story for the year.
Not much this week, but at least Chapter 4 is ready.  I'll post it once I upload the new versions of some past chapters.

 Thanks for the support.


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Chapter 4 is a go! But...

So Chapter 4 of The Goblin Princess is ready to be uploaded, but I'm waiting till I have changed past chapters first.  It's going to be awhile.  We're working on Chapter 5 right now.

I'm split between Chapter 6 of TGP and my Halloween story at the moment.

So some good news this week.


Chapter 6 of TGP Is Delayed

All right, guys.  I have decided to almost completely rewrite Chapter 6 of The Goblin Princess.  Some of the old Chapter 6 will become part of Chapter 7 as well as the new Chapter 6.  

I'm still working on my Laby Halloween story.  Not going to spoil it.

I may try to get a one shot out this week.  Mostly, I'm writing them after work before I go to bed.  So it depends on how I feel after work.

Thanks for the support.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Some good News

So since I was having problems with Chapter 6 of The Goblin Princess, I began working on my Halloween story for this year.  I don't see any reason why it won't be ready in time.

I am actually thinking of starting over on Chapter 6.  I may work on Nothing Is What It Seems.  My plan is to finish TGP and start uploading Nothing Is What It Seems before the end of the year.  I may start sending my beta what I have of Nothing Is What It Seems.

Love and thanks,

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Not So Happy With Progress

Chapter 6 of The Goblin Princess has reached two whole pages and I'm working on page three now.  It's not much, but seeing as the chapter are normally five pages long, I'm about half way done.  This chapter is being a bit difficult, but I'm pushing along.

No new news for Nothing Is What It Seems.  I'll begin working on the next chapter once Chapter 6 of TGP is finished.

I will say this, why is that on the days you can actual do something, the insipration just disappears?  And on the days when you really don't have the time it hits.  I've been having to deal with that quite a bit lately.

Hope you all have a great week, and I will hopefully have some news later this week.


Saturday, August 2, 2014

Plans/Hopes For August 2014

It's a new month.  Time to layout my goals/hopes for August 2014.

  • Finish editing Prologue through Chapter 3 of The Goblin Princess.
  •  Get Chapters 4 and 5 of The Goblin Princess out.
  • Get at least one new Dragon Age one shot out.
  • Write Chapter 5 of Nothing Is What It Seems.
  • Write Chapters 6 and 7 of The Goblin Princess.
 Hopefully I can get these done.  Of course, some of these relay on my beta, but that's why they are goals/hopes.  My beta is helping a great deal.  I've completely rewritten Chapters 1 and 3 of TGP.  She has them, but she's working on Chapter 4.  I may wait to post it till I have Chapters 1 and 3 back.  

I may give you guys a Laby Halloween story this year, but I can't promise it just yet.  I don't have an idea for one, but wouldn't it feel weird without me writing something?  Of course, I do have a good bit of time to come up with one.

Love and thanks,

Thursday, July 31, 2014

TGP Update in The Early Morning

Okay, so I got the new edits for Chapter 3 of The Goblin Princess.  I did my reworking and have sent it back to my beta.  So hopefully, the new Chapter 3 will be up soon.

I'm currently working on Chapter 6 of TGP.  I don't have much written at the moment, but I'm working on it.  I know it's not much, but I wanted you guys to know what little has happened.

Thanks and love,

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

TGP Chapter 3 is Really About to Change

So I'm about to do the final rewrite of Chapter 3 of The Goblin Princess (TGP).  I can't wait for you guys to see the final version of Chapter 3.  I hope you guys like the newer one.  I do have a slight rewrite of Chapter 1, but I didn't change as much for that one as I did for 3.

I hope you guys enjoyed the sneak peek, too.  I'll stay up for awhile, but I will take it down before I post the finished chapter.

Love and thanks,

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Request Recieved and Other Things

So since I couldn't get to sleep this morning.  I wrote a new Dragon Age one-shot.  It's the sequel to the third one I wrote.  I was asked to reveal something, and I did.

After The Party

Not much else to report.  I'm still working on the reedits of past chapters of The Goblin Princess.  I am still working on Chapter 5.

But things are looking up.  Enjoy the new one shot and the sneak peek.

Thanks and love,

Monday, July 28, 2014

The Goblin Princess Sneak Peek

Okay, my wonderful readers, here's a sneak peek at Chapter 4 of The Goblin Princess.  My beta and I are getting closer to working on it.  So hopefully, it'll be up soon.  I do hope you guys are enjoying the rewrites of the past chapters.  So on with the show.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Looks like I'm going to be busy

It looks like my schedule is going to be pretty busy for awhile.  Doesn't mean I'll stop writing, but I just might not get as much done as I want.  So my goal for now is one chapter per month for The Goblin Princess.  

Since I've more or less ended The Truth About The Letter, I only have to worry about Ava and Fenris's stories.    I just work on a new one when the mood strikes me.

Since I've finally finished Chapter 4 of Nothing Is What It Seems, I am returning to The Goblin Princess.  I'm still debating about something for Chapter 5.  More than likely I'll go with my new plan, thus pushing Chapter 6 back a bit.

I do have a rough plan up to Chapter 9, but with what I'm thinking of doing with Chapter 5, I may need to rework it.  Still no idea when Chapter 4 will be up, but it will be worth the wait, guys.  I promise.

I will give you guys a tiny spoiler.  He-man finally makes his appearance.  That's all.

Thanks and love,

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Can't get thoughts on paper

Having some problems with Chapter 4 of Nothing What It Seems.  I have an idea, but I just can't get it down right. 

So going to take a little break and maybe work on something else for a bit.  I know that it will come to me.

More than likely it's just me stressing out or something.  Wish my voice software was better.



So I've begun planing future chapters of The Goblin Princess.  I don't have much planned yet.  I'm still hoping for twenty chapters max, but that might not happen.  

I'm still working on Chapter 4 of Nothing Is What It Seems, but there may be some huge editing coming into play with the story.  Of course, you guys don't know anything yet aobut the story, but that doesn't mean I don't want to tell you guys something.

I'm still hoping to get Chapter 4 of The Goblin Princess out this month, but we'll have to wait and see.

Thanks and love,

Having Trouble Sleeping. So....

Since I can't get to sleep, I've decided to work on Chapter 4 of Nothing Is What It Seems.  So I have no idea what will come from this, but at least I'll have something down.

There's no telling what's going to come from this.  It's around 3:30 am by the way.  

I really need to get back into the grove of writing.  I want to have a nice long quene of written chatpers ready for my beta.

Thanks and love,

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Quxxn Day

It's the second annual Quxxn Day.  Quxxn was a Sims Let's player on youtube.  She died from complication after surgery.  She could make you smile even when you weren't you're best.

Hearing her voice, still makes me cry sometimes.

As Quxxn would say "Have a wonderful super awesome splendid amazing day."


The link below is to her finally video. 
Quxxn's Farewell

Monday, July 21, 2014

Reworking, changes may be coming

So I've been busy working on Chapters 3 and 4 of The Goblin Princess.  I haven't uploaded them of course.  My beta is looking at Chapter 3 at the moment.  I now have to go and rework Chapter 5 because of the changes. I do have the old verisons of the chapters saved up in case I don't like the newer ones.

I may write a one shot this week, but I'm really not planning on it.  I do plan to work on Chapter 4 of Nothing Is What It Seems. 

Thanks for all your support.


Sunday, July 20, 2014

So What's Been Going On....

So after I posted Back To School I've been working on Chapter 3 of The Goblin PrincessMy beta and I are real close to getting to Chapter 4.  I do want to change a few things in the chapter before we actually get to it though.

I do have a bit written for Chapter 4 of Nothing Is What It Seems.  I'm going to work on it till it's finished, and then I'll begin working on Chapter 6 of The Goblin Princess.  

Hope you all enjoy your Sunday, or what ever day it is for you.

Thanks and love,

Friday, July 18, 2014

New Laby One-shot

So I got the one-shot done, and yes it was a new Labyrinth one.  Hope you guys enjoyed it.  It wasn't betaed.  My lovely Laby readers, please bare with me.  I'm only on Chapter 3 of Nothing Is What It Seems.  I don't have a set number of chapters, but I don't plan on it becoming like Unknowing Queen and reach forty chapters. 

So enjoy with love and thanks.



Thursday, July 17, 2014

Sorry, guys

I spent today working on Chapter 3 of The Goblin Princess.  So I wasn't able to begin working on anything else.  It's still not ready to upload the new version.

It's looking like the next few weeks are going to be crazy because of school starting back around her.  As in people buying things for school.

Thanks for the support and love guys.

I'll try to get a new one shot out soon, at least.


Since I Want To Wait...

Well, since I want to wait until my Beta gets to Chapter 4, before I begin working on Chapter 6 of The Goblin Princess, I'm going to go ahead and work on Chapter 4 of Nothing Is What It Seems. 

I may try to get out another one-shot this week, but I'm not making any promises.  

Thanks for all of the lovely support.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Still Resting.....

I'm still here.  I haven't worked on anything, but that doesn't mean I don't have ideas.

I'm going to start back up tomorrow.  I still have a bit to write for Chapter 5 of The Goblin Princess.  So I'll do that first, and then begin working on Chapter 6.  But I want to hear from my beta first about Chapter 5.  We're getting to Chapter 3 right now.

I know that the first few chapters haven't really been changed that much, but she's really helped me to make them better.

So after my two day break, I'm back.

Thanks and love,

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I'm a Clunts

So I hit my head again.  Yeah, I know.  I haven't told you guys every time I've done something stupid to myself.  Anyway, I'm going to take a little break.  I've already got Chapters 4 & 5 written for TGP.

So I'm not worried.

All I can recommend is to read something old or to read something from my faves.  I really do need to read some more stories.

Thanks and love,

Monday, July 14, 2014

Work, Work, Work, No Play

Okay, guys, so I'm working hard for ya'll.

 I'm about to begin working on a new Power Rangers one-shot, the final one for The Truth About The Letter series. Just because this series is done, doesn't mean I'll stop writing for Power Rangers.  What it means is that I'll write when the mood strikes me.

Now about my DAII series, I have a few ideas, but I won't work on a new till maybe later this week.

Me and my beta are still working on The Goblin Princess.  It's coming along slowly.

Just a heads up.  Because school is starting back, it seems my hours are increasing.  So I won't be able to do as much as I want.

Thanks and love,

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Nothing is Coming Along

Okay, the title might be a slight miss leading, if you don't know the title of my next Laby story, which is Nothing Is What It Seems.  So Chapter 3 is finally finished.  It's given me some trouble.  I'll do a quick little edit.

We, my beta and I, are still working on The Goblin Princess.  I haven't made a decision about posting Nothing Is What It Seems as I write it.  I may wait on that.  Mostly because of TGP.

More than likely there will be at least one new one-shot this week.  I don't know which story it'll be for, but I am hoping for a new one.  I might begin posting one at least once a week.

So hopefully, things will continue on a good note.


Tried, but Working

Okay, me and my beta are still working on the already written chapters for The Goblin Princess.  We're almost to Chapter 4.  

I'm still working on Chapter 3 of Nothing Is What It Seems.  It's being a bit difficult, but I know what I want to happen.  It's just hard to get my thoughts down.  I'll keep working on it.

So enjoy the newly edited chapters.


Friday, July 11, 2014

Okay, Need A Moment

This isn't story related guys.  I am someone who has a facebook account, but doesn't get on it that much.  So I got on tonight and found out that someone that I went to High School with has past away.  We weren't close, but she was really nice to me during Senior year while I was still dealing with my mother's choice

This doesn't mean I'm stopping.  No.  Actually, that novel I've talked about that I wrote my Senior year, she let me use her name for a character.  I still have it saved on a disk somewhere, and if I do ever publish it, I'll dedicated it to her as well as a few teachers who inspired me.

I might now get on more often than I do now.

Thanks and love,

Er... Having A Bit Of Trouble

So guess what's giving me trouble now.  Chapter 3 of Nothing Is What It Seems is being a bit tough on me.  I've barely got a paragraph written, but I'll keep at it.

I really don't want to begin working on anything else.  So maybe I'll get a few chapters more written.

To be nice, I'll give you guys some links to someother Laby writers, that I enjoy.


Go them a read.

Thanks and love,

Ava Has A New Story

So there's a new Dragon Age II one shot.  It takes place in Act I, and to have some fun it's entirely in Varric's POV.  I thought it would be fun to do something different.  It is slightly AU, because I have both of the twins alive.

It's meant to be semi-happy.  It's really just the group relaxing after dealing with the Bone Pit.

Thanks and love,

Thursday, July 10, 2014

What's Happening

So I'm working/editing the chapters (TGP) that are posted up already.  That doesn't mean I've stopped writing.  I've finished Chapter 5(TGP)'s rough draft.

That means I am about to begin writing Chapter 3 of Nothing Is What It Seems.  I'm still working on the summary.

I haven't edited much of Persephone, but I'm putting that on hold, at the moment.  Mostly because I got my wonderful beta back.  I won't get rid of the edited chapters I have already done.  I don't want to change much about it, except for spelling and grammar mistakes.

I also have a plan for a new Dragon Age II one-shot.  Now these I don't send off to my beta nor any of my Power Rangers one.

I know I'm really pushing out the chapters, and I'm happy about that.  Hopefully, I can keep up the pace.

Thanks for the support, guys.


Laby Story News

So I'll reveal the title of my next Labyrinth story here.  Ready?  The title is Nothing Is What It Seems.

That's all you're getting  right now.  What I really wanted to tell you guys is that I've started editing the first chapter.  I haven't decided if I'm going to post as write or wait till I'm completely finished before posting.

I did change my mind about revealing the title, but I won't put up the describtion just yet.  I'm still working on that.

So thanks and love,

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I Hate Cold Fronts

Let's see it's early July and I have a slight stuffy nose.  I'm not happy, but my body doesn't realize what time of year it is.  No, it has to react to the change in weather we had last week.

Any way, Chapter 5 of The Goblin Princess is giving me a bit of a problem, but I'm working on it.  My mind is more on my new Laby story than the story I want to work on.

Thanks for the support guys.


TGP-Past is Being looked at

Okay, guys,

My beat is looking at the past chapters and going over them.  So don't be surprised if something is a bit different than it was before.

That's really all.  I'm still working on Chapter 5.

Love and thanks,

So I'm a bit ...

It's almost 2:30 in the morning, and I've been up working on Chatper 5 of The Goblin Princess.  When I think outloud, it's hard to not say Unknowing Queen.  It's still weird not working on that anymore.

I've got a little over a page written.  I have a plan for this this chapter.

The problem is I really want to work on my Laby story, but you guys know I can't.

Vote if you wish.  I'm still torn.


What do you guys think?


Here's the deal, guys.  I'm thinking of going ahead and posting my Labyrinth story as I write it, instead of doing the schedule.  I have a poll on my profile on  I'm still thinking about it, but I want to hear what you guys have to say.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tired, but Happy

All right, guys,

I'm about to begin working on Chapter 5 of The Goblin Princess.  I've sent Chapter 4 off to my beta.

Hopefully, I won't have any problems while writing Chapter 5. (knock on wood)

I'm also debating about my Laby story.  Should I go ahead and start posting it or do as I had planned and wait till it's finished?  I don't know.  I'll think about it a bit.


Changes To Rangers' Series

Okay, guys,

I've decided to not do The Truth About The Letter series like I am my Dragon  Age series.  What I am going to do is do each one-shot by itself, but I'll have the order on my profile.  And once I'm ready to, I'll upload it on Wattpad in the correct order.

I'm working on the second written in the series.

So thanks and love,

Monday, July 7, 2014

Off to Next One

Hi, guys.

So I just finished the rough draft of Chapter 2 of my Laby story.  It's not as long as I would wish, but it's only the rough draft.  I'll begin working on Chapter 3 after I finish Chapter 5 of The Goblin Princess.

So now I'm going  to go work on the one shot for my Power Rangers one-shot series.  The one-shots I'm not really planning on sending these off to my beta.

I'll begin editing Chapter 4 of The Goblin Princess once I finish the one-shot.  

Thanks and love,

Okay, Things Are Moving

Hi, Ya'll,

So first, I've done a quick mini edit of Chapter 4 of The Goblin Princess.  I haven't sent it off yet.  I still have a tiny bit to write(the little thing at the top) before I send it off.

Chapter 2 of my Labyrinth story is coming along, too.  It's not yet a single page, but it's heading where I want it.   I need to decide on names for characters (OC).  I'm not worried about it right now.  Right now is the get it down and not worry if it's perfect or not.

Also, I've hurt my left thumb.  Well, I say I've skinned it a bit.  That might not sound too bad, but remember guys I'm still writing on my tablet.  So I need my thumbs to type.  It's not the tip, but it's still a bit sore.

I am planing to write the first one-shot that will make The Truth About The Letter a series.  I can't say when I'll start it, but it's on my list.

Thanks for everything.


Sunday, July 6, 2014

So Happy

Some good news, guys.  Chapter 4 of The Goblin Princess's rough draft is finished.  Now I need to do some editing first of course.  Then I'll send it to my beta.

So I'm off to work on my Labyrinth story.  

I may do a one-shot, but can't promise.


Saturday, July 5, 2014

Things Are Moving Along

Hey, guys,

So this is a quick update for everything.  Not much has changed, but somethings have.

First, Chapter 4 of The Goblin Princess is coming along nicely.  I've almost got the ending writing.

Second, my wonderful amazing beta, Phantomoftheoperalover is willing to beta for me again.  She had has a rough time.

That's all for now.  Once I have Chapter 4 written, I'm going to start working on the second chapter of my Labyrinth story.  I'll do a quick edit before I send anything out to be looked over.


P.S.  Visit her profile. 

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Fouth of July!

For all my American readers,

May you all have a safe and happy Independence Day!


Thursday, July 3, 2014

Things Are Improving

So the creative juices are semi-flowing now.  Chapter 4 of The Goblin Princess is a go for being worked on.  I actually have the first paragraph or so written.  

Hopefully, I'll get it done in a few days.  I want to work on my Labyrinth story, but I'm not allowed to until Chapter 4 of TGP is written.

Yeah, I'm being mean to myself, but it's a rule I have to follow.

So to be nice, here's the link to my Labyrinth Fourth of July story.  Fireworks

Enjoy and thanks,

So I've Given A Gift

I wrote a little one shot for the Fourth.  I know it's not a Labyrinth story, but really, I've already one a Fourth of July story for that fandom.

It's just something short and sweet.

So enjoy it, if you wish.


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Yeah, I know

My wonderful readers,

So my plan for now is to work on an one-shot to get my creative juices flowing.  It's worked before; so I'm hoping it will again.  I can't say which of the series it will be for, but more than likely it will be Power Rangers.  

Hopefully, it will work and Chapter 4 of The Goblin Princess will be flowing from my thumbs into my tablet.  :)

Thanks for everything.


I've Made A Decision

I know writing wise, I have a lot on my plate, but because of the response to It Went Up In Smoke, I've decided to do some more Power Rangers one-shots. 

What I'm going to do is change the title and do what I'm doing with my Dragon Age series.  So it would be worked on when I'm having a hard working on anything.

I haven't decided if I'm going to put this or the other one-shot series up on wattpad or not.

Thanks and love,

The Truth of The Letter-Formerly It Went Up In Smoke 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

TGP Troubles

So err, I having some problems.  I'm having a bit of writers block.  I know what I want to happen (I have Chapter 4 planned), but it just isn't coming out.

I hate when this happens.  So like before, I won't force it.  I don't like when I force it.  I'm still hoping for an update by the end of the month.

I may work on a Dragon Age one-shot, but I don't want to work on the new Labyrinth story.  I know that if I do it will become the focus, and I don't want that.

I'll update to let you guys know what's going on.

Thanks and love,

Goblin Princess News - Chapter 3

Hello, my wonderful readers,

So I'm going to do one more edit of Chapter 3 of The Goblin Princess, and then it will be ready for uploading.

I haven't started on Chapter 4, just yet, but it's the next on my list.

Thanks for everything.


P.S.  Chapter 3 is now up on and wattpad.

Unknowing Queen Comes To An End

On, March 10, 2012, Unknowing Queen began.  Now on, July 1, 2014,  I've posted the final chapter.  I know it wasn't much, but I wanted to end the story on a happy note.

Thanks for the love and support.  The reviews, follows, and favorites, too.

So ends Unknowing Queen.


Unknowing Queen-Wattpad

Monday, June 30, 2014

New Laby Story Update

As I've said, my next Labyrinth story will not be uploaded as I have in the past, but that doesn't mean you guys won't know what's going on.

So this is to report to you guys that the first Chapter is finished.  As in that the rough draft is finished.  With that done, I'll now go off and edit Chapter 3 of The Goblin Princess.  

I can't say when the new story will be ready.  I only have the first chapter.  


Sometimes Good Things Do Happen

My great readers,

So I'm looking at my new Power Rangers one shot as a good thing.  It fixes something that has bugged me for awhile.  Now I will copy and then take down Reuniting, but not just yet.  I need to edit the one shot before I post it, and give it a title (which is being really hard to do).

It's finished.  It's not long, but I'm happy with it.  I can't say for sure when I'll get it up.

So I'm going to work on my next Labyrinth story before I go to sleep.  

Have a good night all, or a good day.  How about both. :)

Love and thanks,

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Somethings Has Come Up

Hello, my wonderful readers,

So something has come up.  Don't worry it's nothing bad.  It has to do with my Power Rangers story that has been on hold for a long time.  So I got an idea for a one shot.  I started writing said one shot.  So Reuniting is now officially canceled.  The one shot's going to do what that story was going to do, but first, I need to finish it(the one shot).

Don't worry about The Goblin Princess.  Chapter 3's rough draft is written and being edited on a bit at at time.  Chapter 4 is planed, but hasn't been started on.

I've already begun working on my next Labyrinth story.  I have some of the first chapter written.

So things are coming along.  Hopefully, things won't get too crazy for me.

Thanks and love,

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Plan/Goals for July 2014

Hello, my wonderful readers,

So since June was just a wonderful month, for me for the most part, I'm hoping for an equally good  month this July.  So here's the plans and/or goals for this month.

  • Post the epilogue for Unknowing Queen.  I know some of you aren't happy it is coming to an end, but it's time.
  • Work on and then post Chapter 3 of The Goblin Princess.
  • Work on Chapter 4 of The Goblin Princess.
  • Work on next Labyrinth story.
  • Edit more of Persephone. 
  • Not a real goal, but get one new Dragon Age one shot up.

There's my hopes for next month.  Some will happen, but others might not.

Thanks and love,

Friday, June 27, 2014

Yeah, TGP Update

Hi, guys,

So Chapter 3 of The Goblin Princess, well the rough draft, is finally finished.  I'm so happy.  I'll edit it this week at some point.  So now I can work on some of my next Labyrinth story.

Thanks and love,

TGP is Coming Along

So Chapter 3 is coming along.  I already know I have to do some editing to it.  It's really just a real rough draft.  I'm using my plan, but I'm just writing.  Hence, why I said I'll really have to edit.

Also, I'm writing it on my tablet.  Yes, I have a computer, but it makes it so I can semi-watch something while writing.

So as you guys know, I really don't type well with the built in keyboard.  But I already have to edit.

A side note, I'll begin working on my next Labyrinth once I finish the rough draft for Chapter 3.

Thanks for everything.


Unknowing Queen is Almost Complete

My amazing readers,

I'm about to upload the final numbered chapter of Unknowing Queen.  It's been a long ride since March 2012, when this story began.

Thanks coming along with me.  The epilogue is written, but it won't be up for a bit.  It will be up sometime in July.

So now I'll be working mostly on The Goblin Princess.  Also, I'll be working part time on my next Labyrinth work.

Thanks for everything.


Yeah, the juices are flowing, but

So writing the Dragon Age one shot really got me into the writing mood.  Unfortunately, it's almost 4 am for me, and I need to sleep.

I got more written for The Goblin Princess.  I'm going to try and make the chapter slightly longer, but I'm not setting a max, but the minium will be three pages long.  Mostly, they'll end where I feel like they should end.

So I maybe updating closer to mid July, but no set date right now.  I do want to try and have this "book" finished soon; so I can work on the next one.


New Dragon Age One Shot

So I wrote and upload a new One-shot.  Link below.  It's short, but it got the juices semi-flowing.  So I'm going to work on The Goblin Princess for a bit before I go to sleep tonight er this morning.
So enjoy.


A Week Later

Next Labyrinth Story Update & What I'm Doing Now

My wonderful readers,

I decided to let you all in on a little secret.  It's about my next Labyrinth story.  It's based off of a fairy tale.  That's all I'm saying.

Right now, since I'm taking a break from The Goblin Princess, which I hate to say may end up like some other stories at this rate.  I am editing some of Persephone, and   I'm working on my next one shot.  I have an idea, and I'm just doing it to write something. 

I'm hoping to get Chapter 3 of The Goblin Princess up by the end of July.  So I promise to get to it soon. 

I will post the descprition for my next Labyrinth story here on my blog first.  I won't post it till the story is close to finish.  I'm not planning on it being really long, not forty chapters.  Twenty at most.

Thanks and love,

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Some Explaining and News

My wonderful readers,

So I'm having some problems per say with Chapter 3 of The Goblin Princess.  So I'm not going to force it.  I'll work on editing more of Persephone and maybe work on a Dragon Age one-shot or maybe my next Labyrinth story.

I haven't even looked at Chapter 40 of Unknowing Queen, since I finished it.  I'll be posting it next week more than likely before the Fourth.

Thanks for everything and hope you guys are having a great day.


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Reading Some Fanfiction

Hi, guys,

So I've got about half a page written for TGP.  I'm taking a little break.  I'm reading  I've read it before.

I promise to have Chapter 40 of Queen ready for next week.


Plan For Goblin Princess

So for the last few months of Unknowing Queen I only updated once a month.  Well, I don't want to do that for The Goblin Princess.  What I want to do is try for at least two updates a month.

I'll do my best to make it for July.  I have it semi-planned to Chapter 5.

I haven't started on Chapter 3, yet.  It's giving me some problems, but I'll work on it or something else.


Goblin Princess Update

Since Unknowing Queen is so close to being finished, I've begun planning some of The Goblin Princess.  I will say I'm planning for each "book" in the series to be close to twenty chapters.  It'll depend on the "book."

I do have a plan for which "book" will be written when, and when each takes place.  After TGP, there will be at least three more and maybe a fourth, but I haven't decided.  I'll reveal here towards the end of each "book" the title of the next one. 

This is going to take awhile to write.  I know, but hopefully you guys will enjoy it.


Unknowing Queen News - Big

Okay, guys,

I just finished the rough draft of Chapter 40 of Unknowing Queen.  I'm so happy.  I'm not in a hurry to upload it at the moment.  So I'll edit it in a few days.

I am going to go on and write the epilogue.  I'll edit at the same time, but it won't be uploaded at the same time.

So the end is near.  I'll update you guys again.


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Next Laby Story

Hi, my wonderful readers,

So I finally have an idea for my next Labyrinth story.  I won't reveal anything, of course.  I also can't say for sure how long it will be.  Especially since I haven't really begun it.  I won't begin working on it until Unknowing Queen is finished, and I have Chapter 3 of The Goblin Princess is at least written, if not posted.  So it's going to be a while in coming.

I'll of course let you guys know what's going on, and how things are going.  Also, I'll be telling, y'all, here when it will be posted to the sites.

Thanks and love,

Monday, June 23, 2014

Some Semi-Good News

Hi, guys,

So I finally have a scene in my head for Chapter 40 of Unknowing Queen.  So I'm working again.  Hopefully, it won't be too far away.

Also, I may have an idea for my next Laby story, but it's not set in stone, yet.  I'm still working on it.

I haven't decided about the Laby break.  I haven't started working on Chapter 3 of The Goblin Princess, but I do have kind of an idea of what I want to happen.  I want to try and plan out a good bit of the book before I start on Chapter 3.

Please keep voting guys.  I'll do a final count just before I post the Epilogue for Unknowing Queen.  


I May Have Some Bad News, err

Please keep voting guys.  Both at my profile on and the straw poll.  Please only vote once.


The semi-bad news is I ah may take a break.  I've been working really hard on a story for over two years.  So I may take a month or so off.  That doesn't mean I won't come up with an idea for a new story(I actually don't have a plan for the next Laby story any way, well one that strikes me.).

I haven't decided yet.  I'll let you guys know.


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Ergh, Having Some Problems

So ah, Chapter 40 of Unknowing Queen is giving me some problems.  I can't see a scene in my head.  So I'm going to take a small break from Queen. 

So I'm going to work on TGP and maybe plan out some of my next Laby story.

Love and kisses,

P.S.  Please vote at  I really want to know what you guys think and feel.

Unknowing Queen Chapter 39 is Up

First, I messed up with the anniversary month.  I got the update and published dates mixed up.  So this is already two years and a few months.  (It began in March of 2012.)

Chapter 39 is up, and I'm already working on Chapter 40.  I know it's not that long, but I felt that was where it was best to end it.  I don't know how long Chapter 40 will be.

Also, I have a poll on my profile about would my Labyrinth readers be willing to wait so I can work on The Goblin Princess mostly, and maybe do a side Labyrinth story.  To answer the poll you must be a registered user.  Link to my profile below. Profile

I've created a straw poll as well.  Link below.

StrawPoll Laby Question

Please vote on either one.  I'll take both into account.

Thanks and Love,