Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Draw Back

I'm sick again.  I don't know now how quickly I'll get Chapter 15 finished.  I'll do my best and rest and work on it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Small Delay for Chapter 15 (Maybe)

I started over.  I didn't like what I had so I rewrote a page and a half.  Now it's maybe 3 pages and a half.  I may give you all a seek peek, but this time I won't start typing until I'm finished with the chapter.  Also, hopefully, it won't be as long as the others.  I will say no wedding in this one.  I may actually wait to have a bit of Chapter 16 ready as seek peek when I upload Chapter 15.

I'm thinking of doing an Easter story.  Well, more of a spring time story.  I've decided to continue working on my old Holiday Story Series.  I do want to hear what you all think about it.  I've created a poll on  It can be found at  It's my account profile on the site.  You will see the poll at the top.  Click and vote.  I'll have it up until March 1, 2013 (CDT).  I can't say at what exactly time it will close, but it will close on this date.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Another Chapter 15 Update

Well, it's still awhile in coming.  Right now, (Spoiler) I'm working on darkening up Jareth just a bit.  He's a king about to go to war.  Also, I so need to get some picture for reference for the true goblin army.  If you wish leave comments with some links.  I have idea as what I want them to look like.  Gone will be the cutesy goblins that I've used in other stories.  They might be back, but only as a cameo, I think.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chapter 15 First Update

It's coming along very slowly.  I do wish I had a computer in my room while I'm writing to get images up so I can use them for inspiration.  I can't say at the moment when it will be finished.  As I can already tell this one is going to be awhile.  I have to change the Labyrinth from the movie somewhat, and I may have to do a battle.  I don't know.  Jareth chapters always take me awhile sometimes.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Some Big News

Hello, my lovely readers.  I have some wonderful news for you all.  Chapter 14 has been completed.  Now all that is left is for me to type up what is left and edit it a bit.  So hopefully, it will be up this week.  I should mention, when Chapter 14 is finally posted the lovely sneek peek will be taken down.

So have a bless day all of you.


Friday, February 15, 2013

Writer's Block has Hit

 Hello, my lovely readers.  I'm hitting some snags with the story.  Well, let's say writer's block has hit.  So this may take longer than I had planed.  I will work through this and hope to get Chapter 14 up.  It's almost finished, but I'm working on how to end it exactly.  Well, you'll all have to wait and see.

Monday, February 11, 2013

How The Typing for Chapter 14 is Going

Well, my lovely readers, I have most of what I have already written typed up, but of course, I'm stilling writing.  It is already over 3 pages typed.  So who knows how long it will be.  I'm still working on it so I do hope to have it up soon.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

New Chapter 14 Update

My Lovely Readers,

I haven't typed any more up since my last post.  I'm still writing so don't have any idea how long it will be.  Jareth and Sarah have decided to talk a lot in this chapter.  I can't say when it will be updated.  After this week, I'm going back to working three days a week again.  I'll do my best to get it up soon.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Typing of Chapter 14 Has Begun

I know it's early or late depending on where you live.  I've begun to type up Chapter 14.  I have not finished writing it yet, but I'm going to get a bit of the story saved to computer.  I'll of course update you all on what's going on as I type and work.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

How Chapter 14 is Coming Along

It's coming along much better now.  I'm now beginning on the dinner.  It may take a while to get it up.  I won't be able to type it up maybe on the computer without Word.  I am hoping to begin typing on Monday, Feb. 4, 2013.  I can't say that I'll type up the entire chapter.  I do hope to have it uploaded by the end of the week.