Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas, my lovely readers,

So as a gift for you all, I know I've given you guys quite a bit this year, I thought I would let you guys know that the rough draft for Chapter 30 of Unknowing Queen is finished, and I will begin typing it when I can.  As I stated before, there is no lemon in this story.  Mostly it's because I've heard rumors of fanfiction.net cracking down on it.  I may add one if I post this story to Wattpad.  I will not begin work on rewritting Dreams and Nightmares until Unknowing Queen is finished, at least that's the plan for now.

So enjoy your holiday, and I'll be here getting ready for next year.


Monday, December 23, 2013

The Princess Collection is Complete

Hello, my wonderful readers,

So as an early Christmas present, okay not that early, I've finished the complete upload of the Princess Collection up on Wattpad.  Here's the link The Princess Collection.  So the stories are all up and in order.  I might actually write one more one shot for the collection before I begin the rewrite.  We'll have to wait and see.

So enjoy.

Merry Christmas,

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Second Story of The Princess Collection is Up

Hello, my wonderful readers,

So I've put Boy or Girl? up on Wattpad.  Those who have read Dreams and Nightmares, will notice that I have changed the name of the Goblin Princess.  This is to get ready for the massive rewrite of the story.  Things won't be exactly the same as the original story.  It'll only be up on Wattpad and not on fanfiction.net.  As I work on it I hope to get more readers on the site.  I will of course give a link and post when I update.


Thursday, December 19, 2013

How Chapter 30 is Coming Along

Hello, my lovely readers,

So I'm mostly writing when I can.  The rough draft is now coming along nicely.  I still can't say when it will be ready.  I'm doing my best.  Of course, you guys will know how things are going.e


Merry Christmas, guys!

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Princess Collection is Now on WattPad

 Hello, my great readers,

So I've uploaded the first story of the Collection.  I'll try to have the next one ready soon.  I'm posting them in order as they should be read.  So hopefully that will help.  I will post Dreams and Nightmares once I have completely posted the Collection.  I will do some editing and reworking before I post it on WattPad.  I'm still learning the site.  So the link's below.

Love and Merry Christmas,


Link to The Return of The Princess on WattPad

Because of it's R rating.  The only way I think you guys can read it on WattPad is if I give you guys the link.  So here it is.


Hope this helps.


Good News Guys

Hello, my wonderful readers,

I have some good news.  Chapter 30 is now at least a page and a half.  I've got a very couple of weeks coming up, cause of Christmas.  So I might not have it ready before the end of the year.  I'm resting as much as I can to have the energy for work.

I'll work on it when I can.  So please be patient with me.  I feel that this story is close to being finished.

Just in case I don't post again for awhile.  Merry Christmas everyone.


Friday, December 13, 2013

Next Wattpad Story

Hello, my lovely readers,

So the next update will hopefully happen soon.  Since the first one was The Return of The Princess, the second will be a collection of all the stories between it and it's sequel.  I'll do it more like how I do it on fanfiction.net.  I can't say exactly when the first part will be posted, but I'll try to have it up before the new year.

Thanks for the support and love guys.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Things Haven't Improved

Hello, my wonderful readers,

So nothing has really changed.  I haven't really worked on Chapter 30.  I'm working quit a bit and most nights I'm too tired to work on anything.  I'll try to have it ready before Christmas.  I just need to get the ball rolling.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Why is This Chapter Being So Hard?

Hi, my wonderful readers,

So Chapter 30 is being a pain in the butt.  I can't visualize it at all.  It just hasn't appeared in my head.  I know what has to happen, but it's not coming to me how to write it.  So I'm stuck.  Yeah.

I should mention there will be no lemon in this story.  Sorry.  There's word that they are cracking down on it.  I do have file saves of some of my jucier stories already.

So I just might work on something else for a bit, but I'm scared that will cause me to never come back to this so for now I won't.

Thanks for the support, guys.


Monday, December 2, 2013

Update about Wattpad

Hello, my readers,

Well, I posted The Return of The Princess on the site, but then it informed me it was set to private.  So I don't know what's going on.  I've messaged the person who told me about the site for more info.  So if you wish you can try to see it.



Wattpad.com Update

Hi, all.

Okay, so I've decided which one of my stories will be the first to be posted on Wattpad.com.  At the moment, I'm working on reformatting and editing The Return of The Princess.  It's going to take awhile, but I do hope to have it up soon.

I still haven't started on Chapter 30, but I'll get to it.  So enjoy you other gift of Blue Christmas.  It mostly came from me having to spend Thanksgiving alone cause I had to work.

Love you all,

Sunday, December 1, 2013

First Update of December 2013

Hello, my amazing readers,

First, the Chrismtas story has been sent to the other computer, but cause of work and now I'm sick, I haven't edited it or uploaded it to fanfiction.net.  I'll get it up as soon as I can.

So I'm resting up and relaxing.  I worked almost 40 hrs last week. I know there are people who do that and more, but if you're not ready for it, it takes a toll on one.  It could also explain why I got sick.  It's just a cold, but you all know how those can make you feel.  I'll go to work as long as there is no fever.

Unknowing Queen will hopefully be updated once this month.  I haven't started on it yet.  Since I have a couple of days off, while I'm resting in bed, I'll work on it.

Love and thanks,

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Here's wishing you all, my lovely readers, a very happy Thanksgiving.


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Gift to Ya'll

My wonderful readers,

Thanks to one of you, Fuzzygoblins, I have learned of a site, Wattpad.com, which has a free app where you would be able to read all if my works offline and free.  I've created an account, but I have yet to add anything.  First, I need to decide on which stories to add.  Then I will edit the stories.  Also, I will need to make covers for them.

Now here is my request from you guys.  Pick a story and make a cover image.  I'll pick the one I think goes best with the story, and I will of course give the artist credit.  I'm thinking of having two different covers, one for fanfiction.net and the other for wattpad.com.  So there will be two winners.  I can't give you guys much, but for fanfiction I refuse to take money.

If I ever do decide to take The Heart of A Werewolf down from fictonpress.com and say put it on amazon, I more than likely would only charge $.99 to $1.99.  I personally have some really good books at that price.  I probably won't make a lot of money from it, but it would help out my family.

I will let you guys know when the first stories are up.  I think you can follow me, not sure, but you guys already know my name, CeleicaLeigh.

I'll try to have one up before Christmas.  I love you guys.


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Something Amazing and An Update

My wonderful readers,

I know that someone of you will remember me talking about my mother.  Well, she was adopted.  Earlier this week, because of a years' old post on Ancestory.com, I found her birth family.  Today my, until this happened, aunt met with her brothers and sisters.  My meeting will be a bit harder to arange because of my work schedule.

So I do plan to learn more, and maybe it might work it's way into my writing.  Who knows.

Thanks for the support.  I haven't written anything.  I have ideas in my head, but I want to do something for my Laby fans.  So although, I should start working on Chapter 30, I want to write you guys a Christmas story.  So we'll see what happens, and only those of you who read my blog will know I'm thinking about it.

Love and have a happy Thanksgiving,

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Chapter 29 is Off

Hello, my wonderful readers,

So Chapter 29 of Unknowing Queen has been sent off to a computer by email.  So it should be up soon.  I'll use the computer's word processor to fix any spelling errors.  Hopefully, it'll be up later this week.

I can't say when Chapter 30 will be done as I haven't started on it yet.  I'll begin it soon.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

2013 Christmas Story is Finally Sent To Computer

Hello, my amazing readers,

Finally my Christmas story for this year has been sent off to a computer ( by email) to be editted and posted.  So I'll begin typing Chapter 29 as soon as I finish this post.  I have to stay up late to get ready for next week.

So follow me at fanfiction.net to know when the Christma story will be posted, which will be later this week. It will be completly updated the week before Christmas.


Friday, November 15, 2013

Some Bad News Guys

My wonderful readers,

It's looking like I'm going to be working a lot the week of Thanksgiving, the last week of this month.  So I can't promise that Chapter 29 will be ready.  I really just need to type it up at this point, but I have to get my Christmas story ready.

I will uploading the first chapter before November 30, 2013.  The story will be completed a week before Christmas, with one update a week.

I'll do my best to get Chapter 29 typed and ready you guys, but I've got alot of typing to do next week, as well as do some decorating.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My Next Story Update

Hello, my amazing readers,

So the next story update, well isn't really an update.  It's an entire story.  Yes, it's my November special.  It's not a Thanksgiving story.  Sorry.  It will be posted around 12 am CDT on November 16, this Saturday.  If you follow me on fanfiction.net than of course you'll get an email.  It's not Labyrinth, just to let you know. 

I'm still working on my Christmas story.  It's almost finished.  I have the ending in my head, but it just hasn't gotten to that part yet.  It's the part right before it, that is giving me the problem.  Chapter 29 of Unknowing Queen is well pretty much finished.  I just need to type it.  I may not make my deadline, but I'll try.

Thanks guys for all you do.  It's not much.


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Very Sad News For My Family

My wonderful readers,

Today my family lost a member.  Our beloved dog, Shadow, passed away.  We knew it was coming, but of course, not ready.  We've had a few scares over the last few months.  I've told you all about it.  So please be understanding that I'm going to take a short break from writing.  Well, I might turn to it.

Love as always,

Friday, November 8, 2013

Just A Little Update

Hello, my wonderful readers,

I'm having a bit of trouble with the final chapter of my Christmas story.  I may start working a bit on Chapter 29 of Unknowing Queen.  I really need to get the Christmas story finished and typed before the first of next month.  I haven't decided on the update schedule for it yet.  I do hope all of my Laby fans will give it a shot.

I'm still hoping to have Chapter 29 up around Thanksgiving, the end of this month.  So I better get back to work.

Please be safe and remember be nice to your fellow man.


Monday, November 4, 2013

The First Update for November

Hello, my wonderful readers,

So Chapter 28 of Unknowing Queen is up.  I'm still working on Chapter 29.  I have just one more chapter to write for my Christmas story this year.  I'm hoping it's only one more chapter.  I'll get it's rough draft written up and then the typing will begin.  After I at least have the story's rough draft finished, I'll start working on Chapter 29.  I still want to have it up by Thanksgiving, so I better get a move on.

Stay safe everyone.


Chapter 28 of Unknowing Queen

Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Thought

My wonderful readers,

I've been thinking about my next big story.  I have an idea that is an epic crossover with muiltple fandoms, with the core being Labyrinth.  I've had it in my head for awhile now.  It would be broken up into parts.  Each centered on a specific person.  I won't reveal much more.  But before I can begin work on it or any other large story, I need to finish Unknowing Queen.

So let me know what you think.  Leave a comment below.


Friday, November 1, 2013


Hello, my wonderful, great, amazing readers,

This is to let you guys know that I've finished typing Chapter 28.  I'm still working on Chapter 29.  I won't be working on again just yet.  I need to finish up my Christmas story, before I do more work on it.

I'll have Chapter 28 up before Thanksgiving.  I can't say when Chapter 29 will be ready.


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloweeen 2013!

Hello, my spooky readers,

Okay, that might not be completely right.  I know I have fans from around the globe, but well, it's offically Halloween for me.  So I'll very soon be uploaded the final entry for All Hallows Evening.  I also wanted to let you know I've completed the copying of Chapter 29 from my phone.  I have also finished the first draft, and I'm not happy.  It's too short.  So I'll need to work on that.  I'll try to get Chapter 28 typed next week.  I may have another day of banned from the house, so yeah.

Well, I hope you all enjoy the final entry, and please don't kill me.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Some News

So for reason beyond my control I wasn't allowed in my house.  Don't worry nothing bad.  So guess what I did with my time.  I started Chapter 29.  I had to write it on my phone.  Now don't think it's going to easy getting it from phone to tablet.  I'm still going to hand write the chapter.  So I'll copy from my phone to paper.  It'll take some time.

So you guys now know that chapter 29 is under way.  I still haven't finished my Christmas story, but I'm working on it.

Thanks guys.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Good News

Hello, my lovely, wonderful, amazing, awesome readers,

The offended reviewer did not report me.  Of course, there was nothing to really report.  He or she actually apologized.  Now I'm hoping this is true.  There's a review for the AN on All Hallows Eveing.  I do seriously hope it is from the same person, and they are telling the truth.  And this time they actually used periods!  There were a few in the review.

So I can't say when exactly Chapter 28 will be uploaded.  I still need to type it.  That might take me a day or two.  I also need to get the last two chapters of my Christmas story finished.


Monday, October 28, 2013

I Have The Greatest Fans

You guys ROCK!  I'm serious.  Thanks for the support.  No matter what happens, I will not stop writting.  I'll go to another site if I have to.  I won't be leaving you all high and dry.  I really do hope that one person won't end this cause I love writting.  I have ever since the bug got me back in fifth grade.

So since I updated Chapter 27 earlier than planned, I'll be updating Chapter 28 next month.  So I better get a move on with Chapter 29.

I love you guys.  You are amazing, wonderful, and lovely as always.


Author's Note

Offended:Okay so here's the thing I have read this story somewhere before and
I am trying to find It on my page to prove that you are ripping off other
people's stories. I have been watching you for a while now and I am not  have
ripped off many authors including some old authors that are no longer on  rip
off stories from LJ and Deviant Art  rip off Pika-la-Cynique all the time
including her comic strip Roommates which is a Labyrinth /Phantom of the Opera
Cross over and you act like it is  have ripped off of Gamkat5 and I think
possibly Lixxle? I will givve you credit for some of your work is yours but
then you will take a chapter here and there from other people and claim it is
is wrong and unfair to those authors. I am reporting you for doing this.

To my lovely readers and the reviewer who wrote,

Please don't review for this. Send Pms or visit my blog. I've copied the review I'm responding to. I did not copy this story. I have the handwritten pages to prove it. Also, some of it I can't understand. If I used ideas from other writers and I know I have, I do acknowledge it. The only time I've borrowed things for that matter is the fact that Sarah winning the Labyrinth made her Jareth's wife. I would link the story if I could, but she's no longer on the site. Most of the writers, this reviewer mentions can be found in my favorite list. There is only one movie. People are bound to get the same ideas, but we all work really hard on our stories. This fandom is so large, there is no way I can read all of the stories and have a life. So I know there are bound to be some similar stories, but mine are of my mind.

I read Pika-la-Cynique. I know the story line and in no way have I used anything from Girls Next Door, which is her comic not Roommates. I've read Lixxle, and I've given Skeep some cameos, but I am in no way trying to copy her. I can't do funny. I'm serious I've tried. I think I've read a few of Gamkat5, but I can't be sure at this time.

I have no idea where you get me ripping off Pika. I may use the name Christine, but it's not Christine Dae. There are people in this world named Christine. I only have one cross over with Phantom and it's a retelling of the movie. Besides Christine Dae is a public domain character. I can use her if I wish. Pika doesn't own Christine Dae.

Also, about LJ, which I assume is Live Journal. I'm not on that site. So if there is anything there that looks like my stories, well someone must think like me. I only write here and have a few things up on deviant art. I don't go coping stories. I did have one, but as soon as the author asked me I took it down.

To my lovely readers,
Thanks for the views. If I do get baned. Please come to my blog. I will lose almost everything here, but I will keep writing. Nothing will stop that. I promise.

Love to you all,
From: Celecia Leigh
Celecia Moland
L.A. Cornelius

Halloween is Almost Here

Hello, my lovely, wonderful, and amazing readers,

Well, I've updated the last official chapter for All Hallows Evening.  There is an epilogue, that will be posted on Halloween.  So we're not completely finished yet.  I don't plan to have another story in the series.  So for now this is the end.  I can't really think that I'll return to this series. 

About Unknowing Queen, well, if you're a blog reader, then you know that Chapter 27 is up for your pleasure, but I may change a few things.  Not much.  I will update it to fanfiction.net early next month, before my special for November.  I'll try to have a chapter written so that I can maybe update twice in November.  I can't promise anything in December except for the other fandom Christmas story I'm doing, which I'm about half way through.

Thanks for all of the lovely reviews and all of the follows and favorites.  You guys are the BEST!  I mean that. 

Be safe guys and take care,

Friday, October 25, 2013

My Gift To My Blog Readers

So my lovely readers, here is my gift as promise.  Please PM me at fanfiction.net (My Fanfiction.net Profile) or leave a comment here about your thoughts.  Yes, it's another filler, but those will slowly come to an end.  I promise the next chapter's going to push a plot along.  So let's get to the sneek peek I promised all of you.  Actually, ah, I'm giving you guys the entire chapter.  So that's why I want your thoughts.  I'll be posting the chapter with the story early next month.  So enjoy and please tell me what you think.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Almost There

Hello, my lovely, amazing, wonderful readers,

So I've just updated Chapter 5 of All Hallows Eveing.  I won't reveal here what happens in it cause well I want you to go read it.  I do hope you guys enjoy it.  Only two more updates left.

Next month, I will post for Unknowing Queen.  I plan to get Chapter 27 typed up before the end of the month.  So I can of course give you guys here the sneek peek.

I really need to get to work on my Christmas special.  It'll be like the Halloween one and just be updated on a schdule through out the month.

Not much is going on with me.  My hours are increasing, and I have less time to write.  I beat the game.  So it's not taking up my time anymore.  I may begin work on Chapter 29, but I'll have to wait and see.

You guys are the best.  Thanks for all of the reviews, favorites, and follows.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Have An Idea

Hello, my lovely, amazing, and wonderful readers,

So it's Thursday, which I almost forgot, but Chapter 4 is up.  I do hope you all enjoy it.  I make a comment in my AN about a few reviews I got asking to make the chapters longers.  The story is all ready written.  I just have to remember to update it every week this month.  All I do when I'm about to update a chapter is add my AN at the end.  So please as much as I understand you thoughts, there's no point to saying it when the story is already finished.

Now about my doing something for ya'll for the 1,000 page views here on my blog (I know it's gone over that, but I'm still happy.).  I have an idea.  This will be here on the blog only and only for a short time.  I'm thinking of giving ya'll a sneak peek at Chapter 27.  I still need to type it, but that shouldn't take me long.  That is if I can stop playing a video game.  I can't say when it'll happen, and I won't do an AN on any chapters to reveal it on fanfiction.net.  You can follow with just your email if you wish.  This is my gift you my lovely readers, because it's all I can.

Love and thank you,

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

OMG! WOW! Thank You.

Hello, my lovely, wonderful, and amazing readers,

I was in complete shock when I got on my dashboard, and it showed that I had 1,000 views in total for my blog.  Thank you.  Thank you.  I know it's not much, but it makes me happy.  Still no comments, but that's ok.  I need to do something for you guys.  I'll think about it and come up with something.

I do have some news for my Unknowing Queen readers.  Chapter 27's rough draft is finished.  I still need to type it up.  I won't be updating it till next month.  I hate to tell you all this, but I'll be only updating for this story for the next couple months once a month.  I plan to pick up again in January.  It all has to do with the fact I work in retail, and I'll be working on my Christmas story for this year.  I'll plan out a few chapters.  So I have more of an idea of how long this thing is going to be.  I thought it would be over by Chapter 20, but those two wouldn't have it.

I'll be posting again on Thursday.  So I won't talk about All Hallows Evening in this post.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Some Info on All Hallows Evening

Hello, my lovely amazing readers,

So this post is a bit different than my other "I just updated posts."  This is a post to let you all in on some secrets of All Hallows Evening.  Now I didn't start out planning to write a sequel to last year's story.  It just sort of happened as I was writing.  Originally, I was going to call it "Trick or Treat,"  but you see that didn't happen.  I choose the name because as some believe the veil between words is thinnest on Halloween.  So I chose the original name for the holiday.

Since we're only on Chaper 3, I won't go into anymore detail, but please leave a comment if you would like more information later on.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I've Begun Work on Chapter 27

Hello, my amazing lovely readers,

I wasn't planing to post today, but I figured I would let you all know I've begun working on Chapter 27 of Unknowing Queen.  I, of course, can't say when it will be posted.  I do hope to try and have a few chapters written up and ready for the Holiday season, since I'll more than likely will be working more.

I will say that this chapter is meant to be a bit sweet.  Also, I felt sort bad for not paying Toby much attention.  So I will say it's a Jareth/Toby chapter, but in Jareth's POV.

I hope you all are reading and enjoying my Laby Halloween story.  I'll begin work on my non-Laby Christmas special after I finish Chapter 27.  I'm already thinking it'll be a few chapters, at least.

As always, love,

Monday, October 7, 2013

November Special Rough Draft is Finally Finished

Hello, my amazing lovely readers,

Finally the rough draft of the November Special is finished.  So now all I have to do is type it up.  That shouldn't take me long to do.  I'll post an entry the day it will be posted on fanfiction.net.

I'm still debating what's going to happen in Chapter 27 of Unknowing Queen.  It's a Jareth's chapter, and well, those are semi-hard to do.  I'm trying to think of a way to get it to move the plot slightly.  Although, it will be mostly a filler, but I try to have important information in the fillers for later.

Thanks for the new favorites and follows, too.  There will be a post on Thursday CST.  I'll try to have some better news for you all then.


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Chapter 2 of "Halloween" is UP

Hello, my lovely amazing readers,

So the first random update for All Hallows Eveing is up on fanfiction.net.  The other random update will be later in the month.  So be sure to be on the look out this Thursday for the next update.  CST.  I'm still working on my November special.  I actually begin work on my Christmas story.

I work in retail, and well, you know how it gets around Christmas.  I will work a bit on Unknowing Queen, and I promise to have a chapter ready for you all sometime in November.  Then all I would need to do is type of Chapter 28, edit, and post.

I'm so sorry for the delays, but I do hope for things to get better.

Love as always,

Thursday, October 3, 2013

All Hallows Evening has Begun

Hello, my lovely readers,

As I said in my last post, I posted the first chapter of All Hallows Evening today.  Now there will be an update every Thursday of this month ending on Halloween.  There will be two random updates as well.  The entire story is already in my doc manager.  So it won't take long to update. 

Now for a quick up date on the November special.  I'm closer to finishing the rough draft.  So soon it will start to be typed.  I have to have it ready before the start of November.

For my Unknowing Queen readers,  I'm thinking of what's going to happen in Chapter 27.  I will warn you it's a semi-filler.  It will help push things along as most have been.  I hope to start on the rough draft soon.  So enjoy the Halloween story for this year.


P.S.  Thanks for the favorites and follows guys.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

How November Special is Coming

Hello. my lovely, wonderful readers,

I'm maybe half way with the rough draft of the special for November. I'll still have to type it up, but it's coming along now.

For those of you who read my blog, I have a surprise for you.  I'm about to reveal when the first chapter of All Hallows Evening will be posted.  Only those of you will know ahead of time.  The first chapter will be posted on October 3, 2013.  So mark your calenders.


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

2013 Halloween is Complete

Hello, my lovely readers,

Finally, it's finished.  I can now begin work on my special for November.  It's only a one shot.  I'll try to work on Chapter 27 as well.  I begin updating the Halloween next week.

So you can all see what I've been doing instead of working on Unknowing Queen. I won't reveal the other specials for the next few months yet.  Those will remain secert for now.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Some Good News

Hello, my lovely readers,

I'm in the process of typing up Chapter 4 of the Halloween story. I've already begun working on Chapter 5, too.  I'm not giving you all any more than that.  I have yet to work on the special for November, but it's  going to be a one shot.  I'll work on it in October if I have to.

Now for some news.  There will be no Labyrinth Christmas story this year.  I've decided to do a different fandom.  More info on that later.

Unknowing Queen update.  There are still some fillers to come, but I promise they are slowly steering us towards more, well the lemon.  So please be patient.  Most things going on in these chapters have a reason for being there.  I'm trying to set somethings up for future chapters as well.

Also, about my dog.  He seems okay, but we are watching over him.  Thanks for the prays.


P.S.  I almost forgot.  I'll repeat this when I upload Chapter 26.  Thanks for the new follows and favorites.  You guys are awesome!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Please Pray

My lovely readers,

Today my dog somehow fell down the air return for our heating and cooling system.  He seems fine, although in pain, but who wouldn't.  We're watching him.  So please pray.

Chapter 25 will be updated sometime next week.  I'm now working on Chapter 3 of the Halloween story.  Not much else.

Love and Thank you all,

Friday, September 13, 2013

Update on How Things are Going

Hello, my lovely readers,

How do I put this?  I haven't been a good writer.  I'm still working on Chapter 2.  The handwritten draft is almost finished.  The blame can be put on one game Jade Empire.  It's not super long, but it's one of my favorites.  I need to get Chapter 2 finished and begin work on Chapter 3.

No word from betas.  So I'll look over Chapter 25 of Unknowing Queen and post it soon.

I hope to have better news next week.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How The 2013 Labyrinth Halloween Story Is Going

Hello, my lovely readers,

Not much to update you all on for this post.  I've finished Chapter 26. So that's done.  I've also gotten the handwritten draft of Chapter 1 of 2013 Halloween story done.  I still need to type and make it longer.  I'm not revealing anything about it yet.  I may give a sneak peek just before October gets here.  I have yet to begin Chapter 2.  I'm planning for four chapters, but as always it's up to the characters how long a story is.

I hope to upload Chapter 25 fairly soon.  I plan to try and spread out Chapters 25 and 26.  Work on Chapter 27 will hopefully begin soon.  I may work on it, while writing the other special for November, which means more to me.  I'll post a blog entry more about that later.

Hope everyone in the States, had a great Labor Day.  I spent it laboring, but I've now got a few days off.  I'll spend it doing laundry and writing no doubt.

Thanks for the love and support ya'll give me.  Please subscribe here so that you can see what's going on, and please leave a comment.  Treat them like reviews. 


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Plan for September 2013

Hello, my lovely readers,

As I said in the last blog post, I am going to be working on some specials starting this month because of that I have some news.  I will not be writing anything new for Unknowing Queen for at least this month.  I'm going to focus on the specials and have them finished and ready.  Now I will update to Chapter 26, but that's all I have at the moment.  Once the specials are ready, or I feel like working on something, I'll work on Chapter 27.

I'm planning for the Halloween story to be a few chapters instead of a one shot.  I'll make posts as I'm working to let you all know what's going on.  I won't be sending these off to my betas.  The hope is that on the first of October I will post the first chapter.


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Upcoming Events

Hello, my lovely readers,

I've got some specials coming beginning in October.  Of course, the special in October is a Labyrinth Halloween story.  I'll begin working on it September.  The plan to have the thing completely finished by the 1st of October.  I plan for it to be more than a one shot.  I haven't decided if it'll be part of the current Holiday series or a stand alone.

I plan to have a special one shot in November to celebrate 25 years since a movie came out.  I'm not revealing any more than that at the moment.

At the moment, I can't say if there will be a Christmas story or not.  It's the busiest time of the year for retail and so yeah.  We'll have to wait and see.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Thought On My Fiction Press Work

My lovely readers,

Yes, I do have a fictionpress account, but unfortunately, I only have only one work over there.  It's years old, and I haven't worked on it in quite awhile.  Today I got a PM from someone who told me how much they loved the story and wished I hadn't abandoned it.  As you can guess, I've been focusing more on fanfiction, and well one story really for quite a while.

So I'm thinking I'll try to get back to fictionpress and work on that story, but right now it's only a goal.  In case you would like to visit my fictionpress profile and read the story, I'll add the link below.

Thanks for all the kind words.  Yes, I love writing, but I do like to hear how you are enjoying the stories as well.  I know I suck at self editing a bit, but it's looking as if that may be what's going to happen cause of the beta situation.  I haven't decided yet for sure.


My Fictionpress.com Profile

A Change of Plans

Hello, my lovely readers,

Well, I finished the new "Chapter 26," except that it will not be Chapter 26.  It will be a later chapter.  Instead, I reworked the real Chapter 26.  What I have is important.   It is needed to push the story forward even if you can't see it just yet.  I'm not letting one review, that did really upset me, change my plan for this story.  Yes, there is filler, but it just might be important later on, you don't know that.

Thanks for the reviews.  All of them.  They prove that I'm doing something right.  I will tell you that the lemon is close.  I won't say how close.

Now for some bad news.  I'm working a busy week, this week and next.  I don't know my schedule yet for the week after next, but I predict it might be the same.  So I'll do my best to work on a chapter.   I'll update Chapter 25 fairly soon.


Friday, August 23, 2013

A Very Upsetting Review

My lovely readers,

I just read a review for Chapter 24.  Kytherea, if you ever come here, which I do hope you do, I can understand where you're coming from, but please don't leave just yet.  These two require quite a bit of filler.  Besides I can't just have them jump into bed cause someone wishes it.  But because of this review, I am now completely rewritting Chapter 26.  I'm keeping Chapter 25 as is, which is more filler, but important filler.

There is a plan to this story, but I do have tons of little things I want to happen as well as really big things.  I do hope some of you are still enjoying the story.  I am working hard on this.


Chapter 24 is Away

Hello, my lovely readers,

Chapter 24 is up now.  I won't repeat the AN at the bottom of the chapter.   But I will repeat this.  I'm going to be real busy the next few weeks at work it seems.  So writing will be pushed back a bit.  I will try to get Chapter 26 finished soon.


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Just To Let Ya'll Know What's Going On

Hello, my lovely readers,

I've posted Chapter 23 up.  The link is http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7913636/24/Unknowing-Queen.  I still have nothing to update about my betas.  So I plan to update with Chapter 24 later this week or early next week. I'll delay uploading Chapter 25 until at least Chapter 26 is typed up.  I haven't really worked on Chapter 26 much recently.  I'll try to do a bit everyday to finish the first draft.  Hopefully, I'll be able to update with happy new.

Oh, next week is going to be a bit tough.  I work five days.  I don't know how long it's going to last.


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Have No Idea What's Going On

Hello, my lovely readers,

So I haven't heard anything from my betas since my last post.  Because of this I'll take another look at Chapter 23, and then I'll upload it.  I can't say when Chapter 24 will be uploaded.

When I do finally get the Chapters back from my betas, I'll look them over and decide to change them or not.

I'll post again when I have more information or when I post Chapter 23, which ever comes first.


Monday, August 12, 2013

Chapter 25 News

Hello, my lovely readers,

Well, Chapter 25 has been completely typed up.  I still have yet to receive anything from my betas.  I may just update the chapters now and then change them later.  I'll hold off sending Chapter 25 to them for a bit longer.  I'm still working on Chapter 26.  I will say I'm working towards a wedding night, but I feel it's a bit off still.


Friday, August 9, 2013

Betas News

Hello, my lovely readers,

I've heard back from my betas.  One has been having some bad luck lately.  Both say that I should have Chapters 23 and 24 back this weekend.  So I'll do what I did last time and delay the updating a bit.  I'll start typing Chapter 25 tonight.  It won't be finished this weekend more than likely.  I don't plan to update again till at least Monday, but I may update on Sunday.  We'll have to wait and see.


P.S.  I'm planning to do another holiday series story for Halloween.  It might be the last for the series or another new single story.  I haven't decided yet.  Let me know what you all think.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Thought

Hello, my lovely readers,

I was thinking of going back and looking over past chapters of Unknowing Queen and edited them.  I've done a few, but it'll take awhile.  It'll also will put Chapter 26 on hold, but I think it's a good idea.  There is a problem though.  Since this story is so old, I have lost some of the chapters.  So I have to copy each chapter from the website to edit it.

Also, I'm finally feeling better.  So leave your thoughts on me editing.  Should I continue or not?  Any comments are welcomed, but please stay on topic.


Monday, August 5, 2013

New Look and An Update

Hello, my lovely readers,

How do you all like the new look?  Took me awhile to get it just how I wanted it, but I really like it.  Now for the update.  Chapter 25's handwritten draft is finished, but I have yet to type it up.  I still have not gotten back Chapters 23 and 24 back from my betas yet.  I know you all are reading the blog, and I thank you for reading.  I may do some fun things with those who subscribe or at least read my blog.

About what's going on with me.  Since the beginning of last week, I've been dealing with bad heartburn.  I'm doing one of the  14 day heartburn treatment.  So hope it works.  I'm also having to watch a toe I hit on the edge of my bedroom door last night.

So yeah, I'm dealing with quite a bit.  I have begun writing Chapter 26, but I'm waiting to get at least Chapter 23 back before I begin to type Chapter 25.


Friday, August 2, 2013

Just A Little Update

Hello, my lovely readers,

Not much to update you all on.  Still haven't gotten the edits back for Chapters 23 & 24 yet.  I feel the handwritten draft is almost finished for Chapter 25, but I may rework some of it.  Actually, more than likely I will.

If I finish Chapter 25, I begin the handwritten draft of Chapter 26 before typing up Chapter 25.

Until next time.


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Chapter 24 is Away!

Hello, my lovely readers,

I've sent Chapter 24 off to my betas.  I don't have Chapter 23 back, yet.  I'm already working on Chapter 25.

Not much else to update you all on, except I'm off to enjoy the new Backstreet boys' album.


Monday, July 29, 2013

Chapter 23 is Away!

Hello, my lovely readers,

I've sent Chapter 23 off to my betas.  Yes, betas.  Now not only is PreciousJewel01 looking over my chapters, but now I'm also sending them to pleasanttrouble.  I'll wait for both of them to send it back, and I'll do my final edit. 

Also, I've finished the handwritten version of Chapter 24.  So I'm off to type it up.  Below are links to my betas pages on fanfiction.net.  Give them a try.  Hopefully, I'll have two chapter ready for you all this week.


PreciousJewel01's Page

pleasanttrouble's Page

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Chapter 22 is UP!

Hello, my lovely readers,

So Chapter 22 is up.  Chapter 23 is almost finished with it's handwritten part.  I'll edit it a bit before typing it up, which maybe a while I need to find my adapter to use the keyboard on my tablet.  It's somewhere in my room.

So I feel the lemon, if I write it, is coming soon.  I can't when, but it's coming.  I also need to think of what exactly's going to happen with the war.  I also have story ideas in my head I want to work on, but don't want to start while still working on Unknowing Queen.

I will let you all know what's going on.  I don't have a super busy week it seems for next week.  So who knows what will happen.

Until next time.


Chapter 22

Monday, July 22, 2013

Chapter 21 is Up!

Hello, my lovely readers,

I've uploaded Chapter 21.  Chapter 22 will be uploaded later this week.  I'm working on Chapter 23, but it's taking me a while to do anything.  I'll try to work on it when I can over the next few weeks.

I have some new ideas for stories, but I need to finish what I've got first.


Chapter 21

Thursday, July 18, 2013

News from beta

Hello, my lovely readers,

My beta has been having some computer problems, so that is why I haven't update yet.  She has both Chapter 21 and Chapter 22.  I've started working on Chapter 23.  I'm still on page one though.  I'll try to work on it a bit more.


Monday, July 8, 2013

Typing has begun

Hello, my lovely readers,

I've begun typing Chapter 22.  So I'm still working.  I've started a bit on Chapter 23, but I'm debating on waiting and working on the other story I want to finish or not.  I'm thinking I may not start a new Laby fic, unless a holiday one (which will be short), until the other is finished.  I don't really want to put this story on hold and work on the other, and I don't plan to.


Friday, July 5, 2013

I forgot!

Hello, my lovely readers,

I've gotten word from my beta.  I forgot she was at camp.  Well, I wasn't sure how long she would be gone.  So she's looking at Chapter 21.  I'm still working on Chapter 22.  So I haven't started working on Reuniting.  Chapter 22 is almost finished. I haven't typed it yet.  I'll edit it once I finish writing.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Hello, my lovely readers,

I've just posted a story as a surprise to you all.  I still haven't gotten Chapter 21 back yet, nor have I gotten word that my beta has gotten it.  So I may look at it again and update it as is, but I'm going to give her a bit more time.

So I hope that you all enjoy Fireworks.



Monday, July 1, 2013

Just An Update

Hello, my lovely readers,

I haven't gotten Chapter 21 back yet from my beta.  I'm still working on Chapter 22.  There maybe a delay at some point because I have to have some dental work done at some point.  I can't say when it will be done cause I need to save up before I can get it done.

So I'll continue working till I can't.


Friday, June 28, 2013


Hello, my lovely readers,

I know I updated earlier today, but I thought I would let you all know.  I've finished typing Chapter 21, and it's off to my beta.  So hopefully, it'll be up next week.

Now I'm off to work on Chapter 22.  I can't say when it will be finished.  I have a busy week next week.  So yeah.  I'll try to do a little something on either story every day.  Be it planning or actually writing of the chapter.


Some BIG News

Hello, my lovely readers,

I've begun to write Chapter 22.  It's not much at the moment.  Also, I've decided to rework Reuniting, instead of deleting it.  I'll write the other idea for a Power Ranger story at some point.

Now for the BIG news I promised in the title.  I've stared typing Chapter 21.  I'm about half way through it.  I'm not typing it all at once.  I'm typing a few pages at a time.  My elbow is still acting up from time to time, but I can still type, it seems.

Chapter 21 may be off to my beta tonight or tomorrow.  I'll finish handwriting Chapter 22 before I begin reworking Reuniting and begin work on Chapter 5.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Writing Update

Hello, my lovely readers,

I have some wonderful news.  I have just hand-writing Chapter 21.  I'm now going to leave it alone for a bit, while I write a chapter for Aftermath.  Once the chapter is finished, I'll come back to Chapter 21 and hand edit it before typing it.  So it's going to take awhile to get it done.  Also, I'm working at least five days next week, maybe more if I have to cover for someone, but I'll try to do a little something on my works each day.

I may do a sneak peak of the reworked Power Ranger story once I figure out exactly how it's going to go.  Of course, it won't be up for long.


P.S.  I feel like an idiot.  Aftermath is finished.  So I don't need to go back and finish it. I guess I'll begin planning the new Power Ranger story.  Oh, well.  This might now mean that I'll begin editing Chapter 21 later today or well the early morning hours of tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Chapter 21 Update

Hello, my lovely readers,

I've been hand writing Chapter 21.  It's just now barely on the sixth page, but it's coming along.  This one might take awhile to finish, not just cause of the hand writing first.  i'm introducing new character, and well it's Jareth's chapter.  I have been working a bit everyday, just as I promised.

So I'll keep you all posted as always.


P.S.  With Aftermath, I need to find my old notebook with my notes.  Then I can come up with a plan.  I'm thinking of changing my Power Rangers story completely, but you'll have to wait and see.  :)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Just A Tiny Update

Hello, my lovely readers

I hope you all are enjoying your weekend.  I am, as I mostly do, working.  As I type this, I should really be asleep, but I thought I would update you all a bit on what's going on.

First, I haven't really worked Chapter 21 since I updated on it a few days ago.  I did get a good bit down.  I'm debating going back to writing it on paper and then typing, instead of just typing as I do now.

Second, I haven't gone back yet and read any of Aftermath or my Power Ranger story.  I'll at least get Chapter 21 finished, but maybe not yet sent off to my beta when I at least start work on Aftermath again.

Third, this week I'll do my best to write a little everyday, but next week, I can't promise that.  As you know, that's the first week of July, and because of that I will be working five days.  I'll try to get something down, if Chapter 21 is not yet finished.  I do still have some plans for Aftermath.

So there is just something along the lines of what I have planned.  I don't really want to cancel my Rangers story, but it might happen.  Until next time.


Friday, June 21, 2013

Welcome Summer! Part 2

Hello, my lovely readers,

Yes, two updates in one day.  This is just to let you all know that I've started on Chapter 21.  It's barely begun.  I just wanted to also let you all know that I hurt my right arm a few days ago.  I really only had pain the day I did it.  I was able to work fine.  It didn't even hurt last night, but my elbow is hurting at the moment.  I have had pain in my knees before and that's what is what it feels like.  So of course I'll let you all know what's going on.


Welcome Summer!!!

Hello, my lovely readers,

Well, it's the first day of summer, and so I've decided to give you all Chapter 20.  It's up for you all to read.  I haven't started on Chapter 21, yet.

I'll try to get to it this coming week.



Thursday, June 20, 2013

Some Horrible News

Hello, my lovely readers,

The computer I do my editing on has blown.  Don't worry; I emailed a copy to my beta and to myself so it is not lost.  What this means is that I won't have that computer to edit on so it may take awhile to edit from now on.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Chapter 20 is OFF

Hello, my lovely readers,

Chapter 20 has been sent off to my beta.  I haven't started on Chapter 21 just yet.  I need to think about it for a bit.  I'll try to start work on it soon.  I now plan to go work on my Dragon Age story.  It only has a few chapters left.  I'll reread what's up and then finish it out.  I won't be sending it off to my beta.  I may take down my Power Ranger story.  I need to think more about it.  Those are the only ones I'm worried about finishing at the moment, besides Unknowing Queen

I might also begin work on something new, but I don't know for sure yet.  More than likely it will be a new Laby fanfic, but I think I may need a break from that fandom after this.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

An Update

Hello, my lovely readers,

Well, the computer I use to edit my chapters is working again.  Seems it was only a power connection that wasn't tight enough.  So I shouldn't have any problems updating cause of that.  Also, just to let you all know, Chapter 20 has now reached the fourth page, and it's still not finished.  I'll try to get it finished and off to my beta this week.


Friday, June 14, 2013

Some News

Hello, my lovely readers,

You all know I'm typing on my tablet, but I email it to myself so I can look at it on a computer.  Well, the computer I use has died.  It won't start up.  So I have to use another one.  Updates may take a bit longer now since I have to edit on the laptop and only when my Dad's not home.

I haven't worked much on Chapter 20 that much lately.  Blame Skyrim.


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Chapter 20 Update

Hello, my lovely readers,

Well, Chapter 20 is a little over two pages now.  I can't say how long it will end up being.  Jareth and Sarah haven't given me a clue yet.

Well, I'll let you all know when it's up for you to read.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Chapter 19 is UP!

Hello, my lovely readers,

Chapter 19 is now up.  So go view it and please review.



Chapter 19 is OFF!

Hello, my lovely readers,

As you can guess, Chapter 19 has been sent off to my beta.  So now comes the wait.  I haven't started on Chapter 20 yet, but I will soon.  So hopefully the wait for the next update isn't too long away.



Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Some News

Hello, my lovely readers,

Chapter 19 is now two pages, and I'm now working on page three.  But the bigger news is I finally have my mirco usb adapter for my tablet.  So I can finally use my keyboard case.  So typing will be easier, but I have to get used to this tiny keyboard.  So that means chapters might come out faster now.


Monday, June 3, 2013

Just A Little Update On Chapter 19

Hello, my lovely readers,

I'm working on Chapter 19 at the moment, well, of course I am.  Well it feels almost finished.  I may finish it tonight or tomorrow.  So the end is getting nearer and nearer.

I did a review for Chapter 18 that I will address in the An at the end of Chapter 19.  It is an anonymous one, but I will talk about it a bit here.

The review talks about Sarah not having warm feelings for Jareth.  This is really not a wedding Sarah wanted.  This is bring forced on her.  She has no real say, if any at all.

Well, I hope that helps.  I know I'm not the best, but I try to do m best.


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Chapter 18 of Unknowing Queen

Hello, my lovely readers,

I have some wonderful news that you should also know from your little inbox.  Chapter 18 is up for your viewing pleasure.  I am working on Chapter 19.  I feel it is close to being finished so it maybe soon off to my beta.  Then I'll begin work on Chapter 20 as soon as I finish Chapter 19.  I think I might have an idea for my next Labyrinth story or I may find another fandom to do it in.  It may be too much like another story I've done though.



Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Just Another Update on Unknowing Queen

Hello, my lovely readers,

The chapter is now over a page long.  I working on it when I can.  I'm waiting for the adapter for my keyboard case for table to arrive.  So I'm still typing using the stylus or my fingers.  I can't wait till it arrives, and I can type it much faster. 

I'm not revealing anything about Chapters 18 and 19.  So you'll have to wait and see what happens.  I'm waiting for Chapter 18 to return from my beta.  As I said it'll be awhile in coming.  I still haven't decided about the Sneak Peek.

I haven't decided which story I will work on first.  I may actually remove some or leave them and rework on them.  Mostly my Power Ranger story may stay on the back burner for awhile.  I want  to finish my Dragon Age story since it has really only a few more chapters left, first.  Also, I need to think of my next Labyrinth story idea.  I've got  nothing yet.

Until next time.


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Update on Chapter 18 and News on Chapter 19

Hello, my lovely readers,

I've sent off Chapter 18 to my beta, but she's off to camp for a bit, so it'll be awhile.  I may give you all a sneak peak.  I've begun work on Chapter 19. I'm barely into it, but I plan to work on it a bit at a time, when I can.  So not much to update, but what I did is sorta big.  No new updates on when Queen will end, but like I said, I feel it coming.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How Chapter 18 is coming along

Hello, my lovely readers,

I have finished typing up what I have already written.  Now I'm trying to decide where to end this chapter.  I'm debating to include the wedding in this chapter or the next.  Or maybe not at all.  We'll have to wait and see.

I have a feeling that this story is almost finished.  I think there is only a few more chapters left, at least after the next chapter.  So I will begin working on my other stories a bit, but I will work up an idea for a Laby fanfic.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How things are coming along

Hello, my lovely readers,

I've gotten four pages typed up.  It's hard to spell check so before I send it to My beta. It's now just at two pages type ed .  The chapter Isn't finished Yet so I still have to do that.


Monday, May 13, 2013

Some Good News

Hello, my lovely readers,

I have have good news.  My new tablet now has an office suite , so I can now type up my stories much faster.  I plan to get a case with a keyboard when I get my next paycheck .  That way I can type like I'm used to.  For the moment, I'm using a stylus and my Android Keyboard.  So I have begun the typing of Chapter 18.   I can't say when it will be ready, but at least I can now type it more easily that before.


Friday, May 10, 2013

Some News

Hello, my lovely readers,

I have some news.  I now have a tablet.  I doubt I'll ne using it to type stories, but I can research and look up past chapters much easier.  I haven't worked on Chapter 18.  I know.  My schudule is going to be busy the next few weeks.  I'll try to get something done.


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Haven't Advanced

Hello, my lovely readers,

I haven't worked on Chapter 18 really.  I've added a few lines, but not much.  I'll try to work on it soon and get the thing finished.  So nothing new to report.


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Wedding Has Begun

Hello, my lovely readers,

As you can guess, I'm finally working on the big event.  So that means that Chapter 18 is almost finished.  I have some vows I plan to use or I may just black it out.  I haven't decided yet.  So far the chapter is six pages handwritten so it's half way there.  So please leave me some comments if you will.  I like hearing from my readers.


Monday, April 29, 2013

Chapter 18 is Really Coming Along Now

Hello, my lovely readers,

Chapter 18 is coming along nicely now.  I haven't been able to work on it as much as I would like, but I'll try to work on it when I can. 

It's looking like no May Day story.  Oh, well.

I'll try to work on when I can.  Hopefully, the next up date will be better.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Chapter 18 is Coming Along

Hello, my lovely readers,

It's really coming along now.  I will of course try to describe things a bit better than they are so far.  Hopefully, it will get finished soon, but I can't say when.

No word about my novel yet.  I haven't worked on it yet, at all.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

So Far

Hello, my lovely readers,

I worked a bit on Chapter 18 last night.  I did have to rewrite what I had already written, but it seems to be better now.  I'm trying to decide on Sarah's tiara.  I'm looking at inspiration.  I want simple yet elegant, yet is so wonderful that it really only needs a pair of earrings with it.  Errr, it's so hard.  I now have an ideas for the vows.  So hopefully I can really get going on this.  I plan to send photos of my insperations to my beta so she can help me reveal them to you in the story.  Sometime I suck at it.

On another note, I'm thinking of doing some self publishing of a novel I wrote back in high school.  I need to edit it up a bit and get it ready, but it would be better to get it out there and out of the trunk it's hiding in.  I may have to retype it, if I can't find the disk it's on.  So let me know with some comments.  I know you all reading, but not leaving me any comments.  Please leave me one, to let me know what you think.

Well, I'm off to work.  I'll try to update maybe in a few days or maybe tomorrow.  I can't be sure.  So until next time.


Monday, April 22, 2013

What's going on with Chapter 18?

Hello, my lovely readers,

I have to admit it.  I haven't worked on Chapter 18 much today.  I really only have one more day this week I could really work on it.  I plan to get to work on it soon though.  I'm off right now to do a little research for the chapter, and I'll go work on it.  Hopefully, my next update will have good news.

Mostly I'm looking up wedding vows and some other information.  Also, I'm debating about how to have Sarah's hair.  Well, off to work on it a bit.  I may be rewriting what I have so it'll take me awhile.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Chapter 17 is Up!

Hello, my lovely readers,

Chapter 17 is finally up.  I won't go too much here about Chapter 18, since I explain it in the AN at the bottom of the chapter.  So this is short.



Tuesday, April 16, 2013

No News

Hello, my lovely readers,

Well, my beta is looking over Chapter 17.  I need to kick my self in the butt to work on Chapter 18.  I can't wait till I have a new computer.  I'll do what I can and maybe work on something for fun.  We'll have to wait and see.  Hopefully, I'll have better news later this week.


Friday, April 12, 2013

Chapter 17 is Off

Hello, my lovely readers,

Chapter 17 has been sent off to my beta.  So I can't say when it'll be up, but it's coming.  I need to get to work on Chapter 18.  I have maybe half a page, but like I said, I need to do some research for this chapter.  I am thinking of doing a little May Day story for my Holiday Series.  Tell me what you think.  I'll ask again in the update of Chapter 17.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Some Good News

Hello, my lovely readers,

I've begun typing up Chapter 17.  I've only typed up three pages of the handwritten draft.  I'm editing as I go before I send it off to my beta.  No new news on Chapter 18.  I'll try to work a bit on it tomorrow.  I won't reveal anything, but it's going to be a bit tough to write as I have to do some research.  I'll try to type to up more of Chapter 17 tomorrow.

Next week, I'm working five days.  I can't say what's going to happen with the stories.  Hopefully, I can get it finished tomorrow and off to my beta, but we'll have to wait and see.


Really Not An Update

Hello, my lovely readers,

I haven't begun typing up Chapter 17 yet nor I have I worked on Chapter 18 really.  Blame Skyrim.  I'll try to work on them a bit, but can't really make any promises.  So go enjoy the new Bowie album while I try to juggle work, playing Skyrim, and writing.  Oh and cleaning on my day off.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Handwritten Chapter 17 is Finished

Hello, my lovely readers,

The handwritten version of Chapter 17 has been finished.  I've already begun working on Chapter 18.  I still need to type up Chapter 17, but that is going to take awhile.  I can't get to a computer all the time, and I don't have a lot of time to type and do what else I need to do.  So I'll do my best to get it off to my beta as soon as I can.  But I hope to maybe have Chapter 18 ready,too, well maybe.  I can't say what the next update will hold, but hopefully it will have some good news for you all.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Finally Off

Hello, My lovely readers,

I haven't worked on Chapter 17 since my last post at all.  I'll try to work on it a bit later tonight and tomorrow.  It probably won't be finished next week at all.  I've been really tired this week.  Also, I can't stop playing Skyrim.  I just can't put it down.  But I have to clean tomorrow, so I can't play.  I'll try to write some down tomorrow when I take breaks. 


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Where are the reviews?

My lovely readers,

I checked my email before leaving for work, and what did I find?  Not a single email telling me of a review.  I not too upset seeing as the day I updated was a Holiday, and it's only been two days since I updated.  But I would like to know what you thought of the new chapter.  I probably sound selfish or something.  I'm just wondering why no reviews when the other chapters had some by now when I updated them.

I haven't worked on Chapter 17.  Guess I need to get away from Skyrim to do it.


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Chapter 16 is UP!

Hello, my lovely readers,

Chapter 16 has returned from my beta, and is now up for your viewing pleasure.  I posted this as an AN at the end of the chapter, but I'll repeat it here.  For the next few weeks, I'm working four to five days a week, and it's causing me to be tired and not so much in the writing mood.  I'll try to write something everyday, but it'll be awhile in coming.  Sorry for the delay.



Chapter 16

Happy Easter!

My lovely readers,

I hope all of you that celebrate are having a wonderful Easter.  I am stuck at home because I have to work tonight instead of with my family.  I've gotten word from my beta.  She hopes to get Chapter 16 back to me soon.  I haven't worked on Chapter 17 a lot, since my last post.  I've been really tired and busy.  I don't know how the next few weeks will be.  I'll try to do something at least.

So enjoy what's left of your weekend.


Thursday, March 28, 2013

No Word Yet

My lovely readers,

Still no word from my beta yet.  I haven't worked on Chapter 17 of Unknowing Queen yet today.  I'll try to work on it a bit.  I can't say when it will be ready.

Now, about my other works.  I'm planning to work on Aftermath, first.  It's almost finished.  I just need a few more chapters.  Reuniting will be awhile in finishing as I need to look it over and rework somethings.  I really plan to get back to these two once I get my new computer, but that's still a bit off.

So that's all for now.  In case I don't get back to make a post, Happy Easter to those who celebrate.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

It's Off

My lovely readers,

Chapter 16 is now off to my beta.  So hopefully in a week or so it'll be posted up on the site.  So I'm back off to work on Chapter 17.


Day Off

My lovely readers,

Since I have today off, I've begun typing Chapter 16.  As I typed this for you all, it's almost a page typed up.  So I'm not too far into the chapter.  I don't plan to finish typing it today.  I do plan to get maybe half of it at least.  So hopefully I'll send it off to my beta this week.


Monday, March 25, 2013

What's Happening

My lovely readers,

I haven't started typing up Chapter 16 just yet.  I have though begun work on Chapter 17.  It's already three and half pages long.  I plan to have it at least half way finished before I begin typing up Chapter 16.  I can't say of course when that will be, but I'll do my best.


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Hand Written is Finished

Hello my lovely readers,

I have some wonderful news as I guess you know.  I've finally finished the handwritten draft of Chapter 16.  Now I'm going to edit it a bit myself before I begin to type it.  I may also begin work on Chapter 17.  I hope to have it ready to send to my beta soon, but I can't promise any set date because of my work load the next few weeks.  So be on the look out here.  I may do another sneak peek or something fun.


Friday, March 22, 2013

A Happy Update

I feeling much better today.  I'm working tomorrow through Monday.  So I may not be typing anything up this coming week.  I'll try to edit the handwritten version some before I start typing it when I can.  I'll try to get it off to my beta as soon as I can.  I will of course keep you all updated on what's going on.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

How I'm Doing

My lovely readers,

Chapter 16 is six and a half pages now.  I need to reach at least twelve pages before I'll begin typing.  I hope to have the handwritten draft finished by next week.  I have a busy work week next week, and I can't promise I'll have it typed next week.  I'll do my best to get it typed and sent off to my beta as soon as I can.

Until next time,

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I'm Working On It

Hello my lovely readers,

I'm feeling better, which of course is good.  I worked a bit today, but it wasn't anything big.  Really maybe a page more than what I had.  I can't really promise anything next week cause of my work schedule, but I'll do my best to get something written.  I have three and half pages handwritten.  I'm hoping with me feeling better, I can get more done.  Please remember that it might take awhile for me to post it depending on how long my beta takes.

Until next time,

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Something Important

My readers,

I haven't really gotten much written.  I've been dealing with some really bad heartburn since the 10th.  So I haven't really worked on Chapter 16.  I can't tell you when it will be ready, but I'll try to work on it a bit at a time.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Chapter 16 is Coming Along

Hi, my lovely readers,

I hope all of you are doing well.  I began working on Chapter 16 early this morning.  It's a page and a half handwritten at the moment.  I may rewrite it or not I haven't decided if I'm going to keep the opening or not.  I hope to have it finished this week, that is if I can put some new library books down.  Also, I plan to try and finish Aftermath (It's really close to being finished.) and work on Reuniting (I plan for it to be around 10 to 11 chapters long.)  I've included links to both stories below.  They've been on the back burner for awhile, and I need to finish them.  I will continue to work on The Prize She Won, but I might work on it a bit each day.  I'm thinking of changing the title yet again.  You will of course, find out if I do.

Until next time,


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Egg Hunt is Finished

Hello my lovely readers,
I've finished Egg Hunt.  So now I'm back to working on the big story.  It will take awhile for the update to come since I'll be sending the chapter out to my beta.  So go take a look at Egg Hunt and wait for the next chapter to come.


Some News

Hello, my lovely readers.

Chapter 4 of Egg Hunt is up for you reading pleasure.  http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9060834/1/Egg-Hunt

I have a new beta.  Her pen name is PreciousJewel01.  Her profile can be found at http://www.fanfiction.net/u/3293034/PreciousJewel01.  She'll only be helping me with The Prize She Won (I'm thinking of Changing the title again).

I plan to try and work on The Prize She Won this week a bit, but mostly I'm planing to get Chapter 5 of Egg Hunt up.  Actually, after I post this I might begin working on it.  Most of the chapters for the Holiday stories are fairly short.  I don't figure the story to be much longer.  But The Prize She Won, I have no idea when that story will be finished.  I have an idea, but it isn't permanent.

Until next time,

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Having a Slight Problem

Well, maybe not.  I've been reading late.  I mean really reading romance novels, and well, I haven't really worked on the next chapter for either Egg Hunt or The Prize she won(The Unknowing Queen).  I'll try to get something done next week.  So please bare with me.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Draw Back

I'm sick again.  I don't know now how quickly I'll get Chapter 15 finished.  I'll do my best and rest and work on it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Small Delay for Chapter 15 (Maybe)

I started over.  I didn't like what I had so I rewrote a page and a half.  Now it's maybe 3 pages and a half.  I may give you all a seek peek, but this time I won't start typing until I'm finished with the chapter.  Also, hopefully, it won't be as long as the others.  I will say no wedding in this one.  I may actually wait to have a bit of Chapter 16 ready as seek peek when I upload Chapter 15.

I'm thinking of doing an Easter story.  Well, more of a spring time story.  I've decided to continue working on my old Holiday Story Series.  I do want to hear what you all think about it.  I've created a poll on fanfiction.net.  It can be found at  http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1521874/.  It's my account profile on the site.  You will see the poll at the top.  Click and vote.  I'll have it up until March 1, 2013 (CDT).  I can't say at what exactly time it will close, but it will close on this date.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Another Chapter 15 Update

Well, it's still awhile in coming.  Right now, (Spoiler) I'm working on darkening up Jareth just a bit.  He's a king about to go to war.  Also, I so need to get some picture for reference for the true goblin army.  If you wish leave comments with some links.  I have idea as what I want them to look like.  Gone will be the cutesy goblins that I've used in other stories.  They might be back, but only as a cameo, I think.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chapter 15 First Update

It's coming along very slowly.  I do wish I had a computer in my room while I'm writing to get images up so I can use them for inspiration.  I can't say at the moment when it will be finished.  As I can already tell this one is going to be awhile.  I have to change the Labyrinth from the movie somewhat, and I may have to do a battle.  I don't know.  Jareth chapters always take me awhile sometimes.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Some Big News

Hello, my lovely readers.  I have some wonderful news for you all.  Chapter 14 has been completed.  Now all that is left is for me to type up what is left and edit it a bit.  So hopefully, it will be up this week.  I should mention, when Chapter 14 is finally posted the lovely sneek peek will be taken down.

So have a bless day all of you.


Friday, February 15, 2013

Writer's Block has Hit

 Hello, my lovely readers.  I'm hitting some snags with the story.  Well, let's say writer's block has hit.  So this may take longer than I had planed.  I will work through this and hope to get Chapter 14 up.  It's almost finished, but I'm working on how to end it exactly.  Well, you'll all have to wait and see.

Monday, February 11, 2013

How The Typing for Chapter 14 is Going

Well, my lovely readers, I have most of what I have already written typed up, but of course, I'm stilling writing.  It is already over 3 pages typed.  So who knows how long it will be.  I'm still working on it so I do hope to have it up soon.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

New Chapter 14 Update

My Lovely Readers,

I haven't typed any more up since my last post.  I'm still writing so don't have any idea how long it will be.  Jareth and Sarah have decided to talk a lot in this chapter.  I can't say when it will be updated.  After this week, I'm going back to working three days a week again.  I'll do my best to get it up soon.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Typing of Chapter 14 Has Begun

I know it's early or late depending on where you live.  I've begun to type up Chapter 14.  I have not finished writing it yet, but I'm going to get a bit of the story saved to computer.  I'll of course update you all on what's going on as I type and work.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

How Chapter 14 is Coming Along

It's coming along much better now.  I'm now beginning on the dinner.  It may take a while to get it up.  I won't be able to type it up maybe on the computer without Word.  I am hoping to begin typing on Monday, Feb. 4, 2013.  I can't say that I'll type up the entire chapter.  I do hope to have it uploaded by the end of the week.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Chapter 14 Update

Hello, my lovely readers.  I worked for a fair bit of time early this morning on Chapter 14.  It's about 7 pages handwritten at the moment.  I will admit that the beginning may be a bit boring, but I wanted to show some girl time between Vivienne and Sarah.  Also, Elwyn returns. 

It's hard to look up information on lesser characters when everything is on a computer, and you can't get on one.  I would print it out but it seems our printer is acting up.  So I do my best to get what info I can and what I can remember.  So as you read please tell me of any in-constancies.  I'll gladly go back and fix them.  I'm doing my best with what I have.

So leave some comment or pm me on fanfiction.net.  I love hearing from my readers.  I'm also trying to work on my next story, but after The Unknowing Queen is finished, I must get back to the unfinished stories I need to work on.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How Chapter 14 of The Unknowing Queen is Coming Along

I'm barely into the chapter.  I will say it is the dinner in the garden, and it's in Sarah's POV.  And that's all I'm going to tell you.  I'm working on it slowly.  It just seems that this chapter is being a bit harder to write than the last one.  I also had to go look for a dress for Sarah to wear.  I hope you all like it.  I'm including a link to a picture of the gown.  So let me know what you think about it.


I hope the link works.  I know it's long.  I do searches to find gowns for ideas.


Monday, January 28, 2013

Chapter 13 of The Unknowing Queen is Up

Hello, my lovely readers.  Chapter 13 is finally uploaded.  I'm already working on Chapter 14 so continue visit for updates.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Chapter 13 of Unknowing Queen Update

I've finished the handwritten verison of Chapter 13.  I'm typing it at the moment on a computer that does not have a Word.  So I'm typing it up, and then I'll look at it on the other one in the Word program I use.  I hope to have it up later this week.

I've got an idea for Chapter 14.  I can't say when it will be updated.  I of course will keep you all updated on how it's going.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

What's Happening with Chapter 13

Well, I'm typing up what I have so far. It's not much, but at least I'll have what I've got so far down somewhere.  Still can't say when I'll update.  I'm working towards late next week at the earliest.  If you wish for a sneak preview here, and only here.  Please leave a comment or message me on Fanfiction.net.  I'll see how many respond and make my decision then.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Still Working on Chapter 13

I haven't really done a lot with Chapter 13 since I last posted.  I'm stuck at a point really.  Next week I work three days so I can't be sure when I'll update.  Also, my other hobby is taking over a bit (Reading romance novels).  I promise I'll try to have it up before the 14th of next month.

Monday, January 21, 2013

How Chapter 13 is Coming Along

Hello, my lovely readers.  I hope as is well with you all.  As of right now, Chapter 13 is eight handwritten pages.  I try to make chapters at least twelve handwritten pages.  So I'm almost ready to type up Chapter 13.

I do hope you are coming here to find out when a new chapter is coming out or new stories. 

Well, until next time,

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Almost Ready To Post

Chapter 12 is almost ready.  I just need to type up a little bit more and I'll be updating.

I'm planning Chapter 13 out a bit.  So it might get up quicker than Chapter 12.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Getting Better and Typing up what I have

Feeling a bit better now.  I'm now typing what I have of Chapter 12 up.  I hope to update soon.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

What's Going on

I created a blog on another cite, but for some reason I can't get back on it.  I wasn't able to get on for a few days cause I've been sick.  I'm better now.  Chapter 12 is coming along.  Soon I'll start typing it.  So be on the look out my readers.

For those who just found this blog.  I am a fanfiction writer at fanfiction.net. 
